SG Talk

Full Version: Ang Mo enjoy travel in Malaysia
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Seem like our SG is slowly a place Ang mo not say like to stay long and visit.....
Of course lah, angmo tk mah. ...these colonial minded sakais, rarely see a tall white tink they r rich, superior n those party sarong gals really spoilt them
I also like Malaysia. I want to cut my hair there.
(10-06-2022, 06:00 PM)Yin yang Wrote: [ -> ]Of course lah, angmo tk mah. ...these colonial minded sakais, rarely see a tall white tink they r rich, superior n those party sarong gals really spoilt them

Is not about this, is our side literally nothing much for tourist to stay longer travel around.

This is why Govt go into " events " what they feel having more events stage in SG thus = more tourists too.
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Before and after. 
Had fun in KL with family members not long ago. How time flies…
Malaisia truly Asia  Big Grin