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Full Version: Israel:Virus czar says 5th vaccine dose may be needed; transmission continues to rise
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As cases rise, indoor masking is recommended for the public; virus czar says 5th vaccine dose may be needed; transmission rate continues to rise, positive test rate over 20%
What kind of czar keep advocating vaccine dose Big Grin
Too many holes on my arm
Using same vaccine repeating will cause T cell to self retire.
New jab vaccine protect limited protection as it
does not induce enough antibodies at the nose like those
infected or nasal vaccine.

Only sky can save Isr people from reckless Czar fond of test...
(10-06-2022, 11:53 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]Using same vaccine repeating will cause T cell to self retire.
New jab vaccine protect limited protection as it
does not induce enough antibodies at the nose like those
infected or nasal vaccine.

Only sky can save Isr people from reckless Czar fond of test...

if each jab can last 3 mths do the maths.
(11-06-2022, 09:48 AM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]if each jab can last 3 mths do the maths.

It is known to extend the interval of vaccination, immune response better and perhaps even safer.
A week more can increase antibodies by around 10%. B cells also more which is what we really want. 

In the first year, 10 to 30years chance of death is as low as flu unless expose to continuous stay in infectious environment. 

What is done cannot be reversed now, but to continue use same vaccine will be a disaster
especially Omicron is almost certain not mutate directly from original virus but from rodent.

Effectiveness of vaccine base on early vaccine is automatically reduce significantly.
The operating system is installed. The next is half yearly update.

The system will crash if the operating system is changed. <= Who say this?