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Full Version: SGX introduces SPAC listing framework
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SPAC special purpose acquisition company is a company with no commercial operations that is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offer 

Will you buy SPAC via SGX exchange ?

SPAC is a fad and basically investors handing over a blank cheque based on some fuzzy plan.

Why is SGX just jumping on this to bandwagon...
Sgx so desperate?
SGX still hasn't learned from the China s-chip saga. First priority should be to build quality frameworks and hence quality listed companies. Not build a framework to allow lousy companies to list.
Not their money is public money that why
(02-09-2021, 07:16 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]SPAC is a fad and basically investors handing over a blank cheque based on some fuzzy plan.

Why is SGX just jumping on this to bandwagon...

its sg. kiasu kiabo