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Full Version: US adds Taiwan, Vietnam to currency monitoring list that includes Thailand
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USS Ronald Reagan abruptly cancels plans to visit Vietnam

【獨家爆料「正」在挖】美越正式絕裂? 越南遭美列人口販運黑名單 翻臉把雷根號『掃地出門』 @正常發揮 20220728精華版

US adds Vietnam, Cambodia, Macao to trafficking blacklist

The United States on Tuesday (Jul 19) added Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei and Macao to a human trafficking blacklist that already counts Malaysia, alleging weak efforts to stop forced sex work or assist migrant labourers.

In an annual report, the US also added authoritarian-ruled Belarus to the blacklist and, in a rare criticism of a Western ally, put Bulgaria on a watchlist over concerns it is not taking trafficking seriously.

US Adds Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei to Human Trafficking Blacklist

The State Department’s 2022 Trafficking in Persons report gave five out of 11 Southeast Asian nations its lowest Tier 3 rating.