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Full Version: Majority of Singaporeans Say The PAP Handled Inflation 'Badly'!
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They add fuel to the fire. The fuel is called GST.
they thought add 1 % gst will increase inflation by same amt of 1%

thsie head is thinking of only 1 straight way.
there is such thing called mutlplier effect
Announcing GST rise when inflation is taking off cannot be the right approach.
PAP are trouble- makers

If citizens have good jobs and can save more money

at least no need to be forced into poverty last year

and for the coming Recession
(11-06-2022, 02:07 PM)Reddishday Wrote: [ -> ]

When was PAP good leh?
during ah gong's time?
Malaysia handled inflation by banning export of cheekon to Singapore.
All these inflation troubling the world is a result of the US printing & flooding the world with trillions of their dollars in overdrive mode, exacerbated by their hysterical sanctions against Russia
(11-06-2022, 02:19 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]they thought add 1 % gst will increase inflation by same amt of 1%

thsie head is thinking of only 1 straight way.
there is such thing called mutlplier effect

How many 61% are smart

and have common sense like you and me?

Many have no idea how the supply / value chain works

So what if some 61% has NTU/ NUS degree?
Develop rich country like Singapore can do much more for its own people.
(12-06-2022, 08:27 PM)OSymmetry Wrote: [ -> ]Develop rich country like Singapore can do much more for its own people.

They bring in more people, with fake degrees and credentials, to compete unfairly  with sinkees

Sinkees have to serve  2 years to protect these FTrs to work here
(11-06-2022, 02:09 PM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]They add fuel to the fire. The fuel is called GST.

Yup...while people (not the elites for sure) are struggling...