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Full Version: Big mistake with new policy on Malaysia vehicles
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Heard 1 Jul going to implement Malaysia vehicles 18hr daily limit in SG. It would mean exodus on many fronts. Rental gone, petrol gone and food gone... All going back to JB. The ica custom officer workload to shoot for the sky and chances of illegal smuggling to go up..

It's a dumb move cos if this policy is in answer to HDB parking, the season ticket for Malaysia bikes can simply be restricted to only top floors and not ground floors. Offenders to get wheel locked. But it means administrative load. 

Net net doesn't benefit Singapore other than LHL getting a highest award from JB sultan...
For anyone traveling to Malaysia it would mean that eventually they are going to mimic the same policy...
Greed no limit Simple as that
If most of the vehicles are bikes and because they work in renovation and other lines that requires the mobility, this policy simply kills it. Mind you the bikes still get petrol in sg and all the food and rentals...

And they can do ot that actually adds to our productivity in a sense...

Really like use big knife to cut small strains...

Just implement season parking differentiation. Slap a mandatory sg vehicle insurance if accident claims had been an issue...

The workers actually save up on rental, food and petrol more than enough to cover their jb rental, petrol, food and even the daily ica entry fee. SG lose rental, petrol, food and workforce to do ot. Sg co bosses very unlikely to buy sg vehicles for their workers to move around...
(12-06-2022, 09:31 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Heard 1 Jul going to implement Malaysia vehicles 18hr daily limit in SG. It would mean exodus on many fronts. Rental gone, petrol gone and food gone... All going back to JB. The ica custom officer workload to shoot for the sky and chances of illegal smuggling to go up..

It's a dumb move cos if this policy is in answer to HDB parking, the season ticket for Malaysia bikes can simply be restricted to only top floors and not ground floors. Offenders to get wheel locked. But it means administrative load. 

Net net doesn't benefit Singapore other than LHL getting a highest award from JB sultan...

If the policy is to restrict vehicles coming from JB, why not? 
Why should we suffer from high COE in getting a car here, and those jhks can easily drive in anytime into Singapore, and contribute to our traffic jams. Don’t forget, COE policy was meant to reduce the number of cars in Singapore.

I don’t think the new policy will apply to motorcycles.
(12-06-2022, 09:58 AM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]If the policy is to restrict vehicles coming from JB, why not? 
Why should we suffer from high COE in getting a car here, and those jhks can easily drive in anytime into Singapore, and contribute to our traffic jams. Don’t forget, COE policy was meant to reduce the number of cars in Singapore.

I don’t think the new policy will apply to motorcycles.
If a Malaysia car cost 35 bucks per day of use in sg, each year it will cost 12k. For 10 years it means 120k, no difference from the coe...

The policy applies to Malaysia vehicles so bikes included.
(12-06-2022, 10:02 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If a Malaysia car cost 35 bucks per day of use in sg, each year it will cost 12k. For 10 years it means 120k, no difference from the coe...

The policy applies to Malaysia vehicles so bikes included.

Look, if u r really a real Singaporeans, you would know the life is like with so many jhks and jhk cars in Singapore.... there’s more to it than just economic cost, like environmental cost, human cost, quality of live, job opportunities, less stress etc...
(12-06-2022, 09:46 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If most of the vehicles are bikes and because they work in renovation and other lines that requires the mobility, this policy simply kills it. Mind you the bikes still get petrol in sg and all the food and rentals...

And they can do ot that actually adds to our productivity in a sense...

Really like use big knife to cut small strains...

Just implement season parking differentiation. Slap a mandatory sg vehicle insurance if accident claims had been an issue...

The workers actually save up on rental, food and petrol more than enough to cover their jb rental, petrol, food and even the daily ica entry fee. SG lose rental, petrol, food and workforce to do ot. Sg co bosses very unlikely to buy sg vehicles for their workers to move around...

Those Malaysia vehicles WILL NOT get their petrol from Singapore. So expensive. They can just zoom across the causeway to pump. Malaysians don't spend much on food in Singapore. Mostly eat mixed vegetable rice and hawker food. They hardly patronize restaurants. They only come and earn 3 times the salary they can earn in Malaysia while spending the minimum in SG. It's always like that and yet u think they are big spenders that will help boost Singapore economy?
I applaud this idea

because I see many Malaysian cars park in

our JTC/ Industrial Bldgs for 4 mths or 6 mths

occupy the lots our own local cars need
Those are work permit jobs, how any Singaporeans going into those lines?

If you really want less competition you get govt to ban foreigners on EP etc. Have a foreigner to local ratio for white collar jobs.

Hawker food and petrol add up to the rental if they stay in sg...

All weaker exchange rates fw benefit from working in sg. But most of them are in jobs Singaporeans don't desire. For jobs we desire, the FT are taking them. And these days the FT are staying in HDB and eating hawker food too...
(12-06-2022, 10:16 AM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]Look, if u r really a real Singaporeans, you would know the life is like with so many jhks and jhk cars in Singapore.... there’s more to it than just economic cost, like environmental cost, human cost, quality of live, job opportunities, less stress etc...

Debate on policy, don't need to question if I'm Singaporean. You mentioned coe hence I computer it to show you it makes no difference and they pump petrol here so the govt gain the tax too.

Environment cost doesn't change cost instead of Malaysia vehicles it would be Singapore vehicles for the mobility part if the co choose to substitute. It actually means higher cost and it adds to consumer paying for it eventually.

Human cost? The jobs still need someone to do and at the right price point else again it causes inflation. A construction job 3.5k only foreigners will do it. SG worker will require 5k and don't do ot. 

Quality of life of who? Doesn't affect it cos those jobs still need filling up by low cost workers.

Jobs opportunities got Singaporeans should be targeting the white collar and limiting the so call foreigner talent. Start telling SingTel to employ locals to do non rocket science jobs instead of employing pinoy and so many other Singapore co doing all these injustice to Singaporeans...

Less stress?? Really solved by asking Malaysia vehicles to leave SG for 6 hours each day??
(12-06-2022, 10:53 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Debate on policy, don't need to question if I'm Singaporean. You mentioned coe hence I computer it to show you it makes no difference and they pump petrol here so the govt gain the tax too.

Environment cost doesn't change cost instead of Malaysia vehicles it would be Singapore vehicles for the mobility part if the co choose to substitute. It actually means higher cost and it adds to consumer paying for it eventually.

Human cost? The jobs still need someone to do and at the right price point else again it causes inflation. A construction job 3.5k only foreigners will do it. SG worker will require 5k and don't do ot. 

Quality of life of who? Doesn't affect it cos those jobs still need filling up by low cost workers.

Jobs opportunities got Singaporeans should be targeting the white collar and limiting the so call foreigner talent. Start telling SingTel to employ locals to do non rocket science jobs instead of employing pinoy and so many other Singapore co doing all these injustice to Singaporeans...

Less stress?? Really solved by asking Malaysia vehicles to leave SG for 6 hours each day??

Construction workers drive cars here? Waiters can afford to have cars here?
Come on lah! You were talking about cars, I already said I have no issue with motorcycles. Those who can afford cars means what jobs they took from us? I give you one real life example, no bullshit one. My daughter once worked in SingTel....her manager was a jhk. Both got degrees, but my daughter is Aust type, his is Malaysia type. But why he was manager? Answer is pay, he is getting the Managerial job for a lesser pay.... so multiple this example elsewhere and you know why a real Singapore is not happy with jhks...

And what kind of logic you are taking about that Malaysian vehicles do not add to environmental cost here? A vehicle is a vehicle lah! But a Malaysian is not a Singaporean lah!
(12-06-2022, 11:14 AM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]Construction workers drive cars here? Waiters can afford to have cars here?
Come on lah! You were talking about cars, I already said I have no issue with motorcycles. Those who can afford cars means what jobs they took from us? I give you one real life example, no bullshit one. My daughter once worked in SingTel....her manager was a jhk. Both got degrees, but my daughter is Aust type, his is Malaysia type. But why he was manager? Answer is pay, he is getting the Managerial job for a lesser pay.... so multiple this example elsewhere and you know why a real Singapore is not happy with jhks...

And what kind of logic you are taking about that Malaysian vehicles do not add to environmental cost here? A vehicle is a vehicle lah! But a Malaysian is not a Singaporean lah!

So limit the foreign white collar and the cars will disappear. The policy applies to all Malaysia vehicles including bikes...
If this new rule will clamp down on Malaysians who are MASSIVELY profitting from the loophole to steal our lunch (depress our wages), i'm all for it
(12-06-2022, 12:56 PM)simpleman Wrote: [ -> ]If this new rule will clamp down on Malaysians who are MASSIVELY profitting from the loophole to steal our lunch (depress our wages), i'm all for it

It doesn't. Cos they will just shift to JB to rent a place and travel into Singapore to steal your lunch and enjoy their dinner and supper in JB. 

We will not get back their jobs (cos you unlikely want those low level but skill based jobs) and we lose rental, f&b and other spillover that comes with their original 2 week window of stay...

If the govt is really keen to save jobs that Singaporeans desire then go limit the FT at white collar jobs. Make co justify each post why need to place foreign and why our Singaporeans not skilled enough to do so. 

I seriously don't think we have that many Rockey science jobs in SG..
(12-06-2022, 01:58 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't. Cos they will just shift to JB to rent a place and travel into Singapore to steal your lunch and enjoy their dinner and supper in JB. 

We will not get back their jobs (cos you unlikely want those low level but skill based jobs) and we lose rental, f&b and other spillover that comes with their original 2 week window of stay...

If the govt is really keen to save jobs that Singaporeans desire then go limit the FT at white collar jobs. Make co justify each post why need to place foreign and why our Singaporeans not skilled enough to do so. 

I seriously don't think we have that many Rockey science jobs in SG..

So why havent they moved to JB from Muar or Batu Pahat or Malacca? Obviously cos its still cheaper to crash in into a rented room somewhere in Serangoon Rd. 

Not every Singaporean is made for white collar jobs. So these Malaysians are out-competing a segment of Singaporeans in terms of cost with a 3:1 advantage. And the pandemic has revealed the extent of our over-dependence on imported labour from Malaysia in ARTISANAL SKILLS which Singaporeans can do, but were deprived. Skills such as CARPENTRY - so vital to the lucrative home improvement industry. Singaporeans spend hundreds of millions every year in home renovation. A lot of that money went out to Malaysian artisans & expatriated out of the country instead of ploughed back into Singaporean economy

In that sense, these Malaysians not only steal your lunch and take it out of here, they been doing it for years & decades to the extent Singaporeans dont know how to make their own lunch.
(12-06-2022, 03:44 PM)simpleman Wrote: [ -> ]So why havent they moved to JB from Muar or Batu Pahat or Malacca? Obviously cos its still cheaper to crash in into a rented room somewhere in Serangoon Rd. 

Not every Singaporean is made for white collar jobs. So these Malaysians are out-competing a segment of Singaporeans in terms of cost with a 3:1 advantage. And the pandemic has revealed the extent of our over-dependence on imported labour from Malaysia in ARTISANAL SKILLS which Singaporeans can do, but were deprived. Skills such as CARPENTRY - so vital to the lucrative home improvement industry. Singaporeans spend hundreds of millions every year in home renovation. A lot of that money went out to Malaysian artisans & expatriated out of the country instead of ploughed back into Singaporean economy

In that sense, these Malaysians not only steal your lunch and take it out of here, they been doing it for years & decades to the extent Singaporeans dont know how to make their own lunch.
My dad was a carpenter, a great carpenter who worked in kallang area until the boss closed down the factory about 20 odd years ago. 

The drive towards white collar jobs and different class divides in sg has been there for decades. Look at the treatment of cleaners in sg and those in developed countries? Worker's income has been suppressed downwards while bosses are paid handsomely, just like in ancient dynasty... Don't think it can be reversed.. just like small local biz getting squeezed out by NTUC and all other GLC. They need the big org to field the retired generals lah... They will not bother about soldiers after their useful life of 45...
(12-06-2022, 09:58 AM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]If the policy is to restrict vehicles coming from JB, why not? 
Why should we suffer from high COE in getting a car here, and those jhks can easily drive in anytime into Singapore, and contribute to our traffic jams. Don’t forget, COE policy was meant to reduce the number of cars in Singapore.

I don’t think the new policy will apply to motorcycles.

so it looks like levying road charge or whatever is insufficient to control car population. and of course. msia is so big their towns n cities are also having traffic jams but whole sg is a city. so everywhere is jammed! sinkiis cant drive cheap nice cars like jhk because coe already kills it let alone a small car! so chum.
(12-06-2022, 09:31 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Heard 1 Jul going to implement Malaysia vehicles 18hr daily limit in SG. It would mean exodus on many fronts. Rental gone, petrol gone and food gone... All going back to JB. The ica custom officer workload to shoot for the sky and chances of illegal smuggling to go up..

It's a dumb move cos if this policy is in answer to HDB parking, the season ticket for Malaysia bikes can simply be restricted to only top floors and not ground floors. Offenders to get wheel locked. But it means administrative load. 

Net net doesn't benefit Singapore other than LHL getting a highest award from JB sultan...

Walk there and back or take bus SBS170 lah!
(12-06-2022, 04:41 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]My dad was a carpenter, a great carpenter who worked in kallang area until the boss closed down the factory about 20 odd years ago. 

The drive towards white collar jobs and different class divides in sg has been there for decades. Look at the treatment of cleaners in sg and those in developed countries? Worker's income has been suppressed downwards while bosses are paid handsomely, just like in ancient dynasty... Don't think it can be reversed.. just like small local biz getting squeezed out by NTUC and all other GLC. They need the big org to field the retired generals lah... They will not bother about soldiers after their useful life of 45...

20 years ago, Singaporeans were told that we needed Foreign imports as a stop gap measure while we build up our own expertise. Foreign talents / skilled workers were never meant to permanently replace Singaporeans. But somehow, the gate was opened wider than expected and companies became addicted to lower-cost workers from outside. 

Your dad was a victim of this wide-opened floodgate, which quickly catapulted us into a "Developed Economy" 20 years later. 

Being a developed economy does not mean we have to devalue jobs such as carpenters - which are well paying jobs in other developed economies like Japan, Australia, Europe. 

In fact, Covid19 pandemic has taught us the value of these artisanal jobs and jolted the industry to start local apprenticeships to rebuild a new pool of local skilled labour before the next pandemic comes.  

What will naturally follow next is upward movement of salaries.
SG govt will not allow low class jobs to match high class jobs in salary actual terms. They will tell you how many percentage growth in a cleaner's salary buy in actual real terms lose out to inflation big time..

This country is just sg inc...
(12-06-2022, 09:46 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If most of the vehicles are bikes and because they work in renovation and other lines that requires the mobility, this policy simply kills it. Mind you the bikes still get petrol in sg and all the food and rentals...

And they can do ot that actually adds to our productivity in a sense...

Really like use big knife to cut small strains...

Just implement season parking differentiation. Slap a mandatory sg vehicle insurance if accident claims had been an issue...

The workers actually save up on rental, food and petrol more than enough to cover their jb rental, petrol, food and even the daily ica entry fee. SG lose rental, petrol, food and workforce to do ot. Sg co bosses very unlikely to buy sg vehicles for their workers to move around...