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Full Version: Putin is 'preparing to starve the developing world' in order to win Russia's war
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AMTK'S Multiple choice :

Option 1 : Russia's fault
Option 2 : China's fault
Option 3 : Russia and China's fault
Option 4 : If not sure just choose any of the 3 options above

Rotfl  Rotfl  Rotfl
clearly #2 for not trying to stop the war
Ukraine not talking to stop the war. 
Want more weapons. 
Putin under sanctions. 
Ukraine laid the black sea with mines. 
Now exporting grains by sea is dangerous.
Putin not stopping them. But it will take at least six months to clear.
not true lah
the west must stop the sanctions in order for the food to get to the west
so the west shot their own foot with their own gun and blame it on russia
Europe problem is Europe problem. Not our fucking problem..