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Full Version: Japan’s Bear Paw Cafe: A safe space for staff with mental health challenges
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Oona McGee 14 hours ago

[Image: Kuma-no-te-cafe-Bear-paw-hand-Osaka-new-...ze=768,803]

New cafe is a literal hole-in-the-wall, where you’ll be served by fluffy bears.


With face-to-face contact being a stress trigger for a number of their clients, Mental Health came up with the brilliant idea of setting up a cafe where staff don’t have to see or be seen by customers. And the problem of skin-to-skin contact was also solved with fluffy bear gloves, which staff use to hand out drinks and sweets through the small opening in the wall.


Six staff members will be on the roster at the Bear Paw Cafe when it opens, and all are graduates or current students at the Mental Support Academy. The company has shared the following background details for their current employees:

1. Depression for about five years, currently undergoing therapy
2. HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and childhood trauma due to domestic violence
3. Adjustment disorder, currently undergoing therapy
4. HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)
5. Hikikomori (social withdrawal), currently looking for a job
6. A mother with a personality disorder who has a son with a learning disability

Mental Support describes the cafe as a healing place that contributes to society and acts as a stepping stone towards rehabilitation for those who need it.

More photos of "bear paws" and drinks at: