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Job vacancies at record high as labour market rebounds: MOM
I am sorry i cant help to fill those vacancies because i choose Not to Work anymore.
I don't even get any interview after applying for so many jobs...
Dont know why Govt send me a renewal for a Jiak Liao Bee Job again for 3 more month...outside so many jobs.
[Image: 20220617-163029.jpg]
 Song boh?
(17-06-2022, 04:43 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]You don't get any interview is because you are a piece of shit. Nobody wants to interview shit Laughing


Words of wisdom I should reflect upon. Thank you.
(17-06-2022, 04:45 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]It simply saying to you Govt is being very kind and nice to you even though you know yourself you are a jiak liao bee Laughing


Yup...maybe stupid...anyhow spend your tax money...too rich liao
(17-06-2022, 05:09 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]Govt kind to you, you say Govt. stupid.

You are so ungrateful Angry

Thank you PAP !
(17-06-2022, 05:09 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]Govt kind to you, you say Govt. stupid.

You are so ungrateful Angry
If you pay more taxes than you gain from PAP then can curse govt. Earn the right to be ungrateful. Lol
(17-06-2022, 05:25 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]Remember to vote for PAP again okay Big Grin

Don't be the born loser 39% idiot okay Laughing

Choc must have a privileged life.
realli arr
If MOM can be trusted, Govt has no need to buy Straits Times to “make believe”.

99% of the vacancies are not suitable for us unless you are Bangladeshi.
Since all jobs must go thru govt career portal these days... Is the govt able to share what's the job placement ratio of local (Singaporean + PR since somehow cannot just show Singaporean) vs foreigners for all the different positions and by salary band and job categories? Lol
dat not science dat cheating
Dr putting 100,000 of his own money
(17-06-2022, 04:43 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]You don't get any interview is because you are a piece of shit. Nobody wants to interview shit Laughing


You must be 100%  FIT 

suitable for these vacancies as Non- PMETs 

in the construction and manufacturing sector

No wonder talk like Bo-tak- che

"The bulk of the job vacancies were in construction and manufacturing, mainly for non-PMET roles typically held by migrant workers"
(17-06-2022, 05:51 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ]ah kao li buay koon ah Laughing

ai lim kopi mai Rotfl

kua chinkia chinkia
(17-06-2022, 04:26 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I don't even get any interview after applying for so many jobs...

Be Happy and Thankful

that these BLUE- collar jobs do not fit you

But it fits CHOC so well

At least he is happy to be a Construction Worker

and doing the job we do not want at all


Job vacancies at a record high because the foreigners have not returned, and for certain jobs they only hire foreigners, nothing for locals to be happy about.
(17-06-2022, 06:19 PM)Ichigo Wrote: [ -> ]Job vacancies at a record high because the foreigners have not returned, and for certain jobs they only hire foreigners, nothing for locals to be happy about.
MOM should show us how many of the PMET white collar jobs going to Singaporeans. For those that are going to so call FT, they should show what are the job scopes and skills. Wanna see how many rocket scientists Singapore employs from overseas. Lol

Ask them curb white collar foreigners then go block blue collar foreign workers. It's basically to show and tell and then open door wide wide further... Lol

Ask them solve HDB seasons parking (can simply don't issue foreign plates any season parking), they went to block Malaysians with the 18hr rule, killing rental, cheap f&b biz etc... Not as if less people pump petrol or buy cigarettes gonna benefit Singapore...
(17-06-2022, 06:33 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ] later become singing kao Laughing

Thank you,  PAP 

for making you sing praises

to fill up these Hard Labour Jobs

Well Done.
[Image: IMG-20220617-185537-782.jpg]
(17-06-2022, 06:33 PM)Choc Wrote: [ -> ] later become singing kao Laughing
Is " fake news " to lure investors

More likely is " Govt ownself employ , I do noticed on FB , got MOE , etc Gov agency post Jobs "
Is contract

Irony, remember PM lee quote from other claim recession coming? he say " might "

Look at my idol Elon Musk he already retrench some staffs. He also know recession is around the corner.

US side investors sell and sell also feel recession coming around the corner.

So ask yourself , MOM is BS again ? Remember. SG DEPEND ON OTHERS.
They need a lot of blue-collar workers now. Went to a value shop and the cashier is a filipino. The vegetarian store also has two filipinos working there.
Time to import more FWs to build more houses so that the price will fall to benefit buyers.
(17-06-2022, 04:23 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]I am sorry i cant help to fill those vacancies because i choose Not to Work anymore.
No worry

Can import more FW and FT
Keep economy growing
(17-06-2022, 05:39 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Since all jobs must go thru govt career portal these days... Is the govt able to share what's the job placement ratio of local (Singaporean + PR since somehow cannot just show Singaporean) vs foreigners for all the different positions and by salary band and job categories? Lol

mom need to investigate why the local cannot filled some position. where the invterviewer is a forwigner he can go on and on to find reason why not to employ. so that the position can be eventually reserve for his kaki.
still need to be prudent in issuing permit.

some company said they cannot get the job no applicant. please look at their pay offer. some still ofer $8 per hr at the lowest level. why? heed these company application for foreigner.

also some business like coffee shop owner they rent out their stall but refuse those that is registered entity so that the stall holder become their head count to employ fw. they sell these quota for a high value every month. don't said i any how said one. go investigate to find the true.