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Full Version: Israel COVID resurgence offers lessons in adaptation for Asia
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SDP Tambyah fully signs with Pap approach
Interpretation of vaccine is to protect oneself n others from being infected again... but narrating to adapt to delta n still going for test n test is really a jester
btw UK another one to surpass world no.4 Russia soon.
(03-09-2021, 10:48 PM)Galilo_l Wrote: [ -> ]Interpretation of vaccine is to protect oneself n others from being infected again... but narrating to adapt to delta n still going for test n test is really a jester

n others can take away almost can already.
A break through in the airport change their early success story.

Delta variant is not to be underestimated, once the ICU turn full, death rate will creep up.
(04-09-2021, 08:56 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]A break through in the airport change their early success story.

Delta variant is not to be underestimated, once the ICU turn full, death rate will creep up.

Not just Delta, now we have Mu, C.1.2 and Lambda as well. A little variant like Delta has defeated us all let alone so many other is endless, the world is finished, there’s no way we are go back to normal life ever. crying