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Will Texas secede from the U.S.? The state’s Republican Party wants to hold a vote

The Republican Party of Texas wants to let voters decide if the state should leave the United States and form an independent nation, as delegates considered making secession part of the party’s platform going forward.

The party platform is not legally binding — instead it outlines the party’s priorities going forward — and the results of the delegate vote on the secession clause are still being counted.

“Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto,” the 40-page document says.

It asks the state to pose the question to Texas voters, by putting a referendum on the agenda for the 2023 election.
USA found the perfect way to dissolve all the debts they owe to everyone... Break up no more USA so no more USD. Then come back as 1 again. Debt gone as nukes still around. Lol
Thats very good. Liddat they can suka suka declare multi $m salary for ministers just like SG.
Read some angmoh media...there is no chance for Texit. Apparently US Constitution gives no right for states to secede. Probably will get Calexit first.....