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Full Version: 四百亿存款成非法集资了,神一般的操作是怎么做到的
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bank saving in china can become illegal fund raising & gone overnight.
They say so, slavery can work till died & still in debt.
lies is nothing compared to all these fraud, govt involve & part of the plot?
last 1 month, these savers lost their money in banks, protest then trace together became red, now became criminal? nice!!
china  anything possible as long as dictator ok with it, lawless.
china banks really shortage of money, banks run, closed door & stop operation, stop withdrawing & ton more happen across china now.



Kokee so smart stole all their $$$ ah?🤣🤣🤣
Understand the depositors deposited their money through the apps operated under the companies of popular operators like Baidu, Xiaomi or Tencent, who confirmed that they've signed agreements with the Banks.

Now that it has been confirmed that 40 billion RMB money is gone and the deposit is not even insured because the depositing was illegal, it would be interesting to find out how the authorities will react. if the matter is swept again under the carpet which appears to be (as described in the article attached), there might be a public commotion to come.

Quote:现在当地zf没有公告。 银保监会曾表态,作为官方暧昧的说银行股东涉嫌犯罪 正在调查,只说保护合法存款,不予回应哪些算真实的合法的,也没有直接讲是银行的问题。配合当地zf进行处理。撇清了自己责任,未提过自己监管的问题。
中国村镇银行无法取现 国家信誉崩塌! 40万人400亿存款突然“消失” 曝建国以来最大金融案

(22-06-2022, 03:35 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]Kokee so smart stole all their $$$ ah?🤣🤣🤣

Wah.. Kokee can teach the techniques?
this shown how bad is china economy today, property totally crash all over china, ton of default in housing loan, banks also badly hit, banks run, no money, bankrupt, depositors cant get their money out from china banks, this is worse than banks run.
another 89 banks going to bankrupt anytime?


河南400亿存款变集资,多地银行阻止储户取钱。 中国经济下行致房地产暴雷不断,政府监管账户形同虚设,西安百余业主入住烂尾楼