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孟晚舟反殺美加黑障 拜登偷用伊朗邪惡油? 新聞大白話 20220624 (字幕版)

街訪大陸人月薪多少 巧遇外國老闆 透露最新情況|寒國人 @曾鎧琪 Alison【香港曾小妹】

住大陸的台灣人驚訝 對政府不滿提出竟不會被消失?|寒國人

中國與美國海軍到底差距多少?中國海岸千里範圍內,美軍沒有贏的可能?造船能力是海軍的關鍵!Ft.微博軍事博主 約克

《您问谦答》赖岳谦 第一百零三集|欧盟应制裁美剥夺妇女生育权!涉疆法案将推高美通膨!


Lavrov - Fukuyama was wrong! Тhe Western-style liberal democratic order will not dominate on Earth
(25-06-2022, 08:36 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these communist creators by comie dogs above, like my above post, china people died for $$ in their  whole life, everything they do is for money, legal or illegal, lick balls or sell away their country, all for $$, same to all comie dogs here yet still got morons here  believe all these dogs, worse than dogs, totally inhuman.



comie liars here used liars video by communist liar here 7/24 to con or brainwash morons here day & night.
almost all video by cityhantam, the few communist sources of fake, self created lies, twist & lied totally & shamelessly without base & fact, no truth, almost 100% BS.


Gravitas: India-China trade booms despite border aggression

Biden officials privately doubt that Ukraine can win back all of its territory

White House officials are losing confidence that Ukraine will ever be able to take back all of the land it has lost to Russia over the past four months of war, US officials told CNN, even with the heavier and more sophisticated weaponry the US and its allies plan to send.

Advisers to President Joe Biden have begun debating internally how and whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky should shift his definition of a Ukrainian "victory" -- adjusting for the possibility that his country has shrunk irreversibly.
US officials emphasized to CNN that this more pessimistic assessment does not mean the US plans to pressure Ukraine into making any formal territorial concessions to Russia in order to end the war. There is also hope that Ukrainian forces will be able to take back significant chunks of territory in a likely counteroffensive later this year.
A congressional aide familiar with the deliberations told CNN that a smaller Ukrainian state is not inevitable. "Whether Ukraine can take back these territories is in large part, if not entirely, a function of how much support we give them," the aide said. He noted that Ukraine has formally asked the US for a minimum of 48 multiple launch rocket systems, but to date has only been promised eight from the Pentagon.


America's Last Best Hope

Reason why India will reject Biden’s offer to co-develop AMCA engines

The Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft is an Indian programme to develop a stealth, multirole, air superiority fighter for the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy which will also include 6th Generation niche technologies.


India clearly and categorically rejects G7’s statement on Russia and Ukraine



Images of Afghan women are very different from what MSM have been showing us!


Good reasons.

Professor Dennis Etler*
American political analyst who holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley

As I See It:
“Why is it that the West is so preoccupied with China? The usual answer is that China's economic growth is challenging Western global hegemony which has held sway for at least 250 years. The Chinese military has also reached parity with that of the West, so it is no longer subject to Western intimidation and bullying. All that is true and reason for the West to want to savage China and portray it as the root of all evil.*

But there is one other consideration that must be taken into account. It's not only China's economic prowess and military might that frightens the West, it is also China's success as a nation versus the West's failure.

Moreover, China has forged a society in which there is harmony between its different ethnicities in contrast to the systemic racism that characterizes Western society.

Western ruling elites and their media mouthpieces do not want to acknowledge the fact that China has eliminated extreme poverty while more and more of their own people descend into poverty. They do not want to admit that China has constructed a 21st century infrastructure while they lag far behind. They do not want to confront the fact that the Chinese people ⁹overwhelmingly support their government while people in the West have lost confidence in their own, they do not want to accept that China beat COVIDC-19 while they haven't, and finally they are loathe to accept the fact that a non-white nation has out performed them and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.

In order to deflect attention away from these truths the West has concocted a series of lies and slanders that allow them to deny reality. Instead of poverty alleviation the West imagines "genocide." Instead of the advances in HSR, EVs, alt-energy and e-commerce they focus on "IP theft," instead of a socioeconomic system that serves the people, they accuse China of forced labor and forced sterilizations. Instead of seeing China as defending its national sovereignty in the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it's called an aggressor.

*All the China-bashing serves multiple purposes but ONE of the main reasons is to make sure that people in the West do not get to hear nor see what the real China is all about because if they did they may get ideas that the Western elites don't want then to have, such as socialism works for the betterment of the 99% while capitalism works primarily to enrich the 1%.”

It is from the eyes of an American.

【盧秀芳辣晚報】"豬與中國人" 經濟學人說:從無冒犯... 網炸鍋@中天新聞 精華版

北京我來了!來聽我結束隔離感言 今天就真正進京了|王炳忠來了


俄軍全殲烏軍第25空降突擊旅!斯拉維揚斯克遭俄軍猛烈砲擊 克拉斯諾波立市被俄軍佔領
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