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Full Version: 大逃港!大量港人離港移民, 香港銀行體系結餘,外資離港潮, 1997 is back
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HK got how many kindergarten? 20 or more already closed down.
population increase, number must be up, why down?
how about primary & secondary, ton closed down too.
those capable & rich almost all run road, no one believe ccp china slavery rule, can run better run fast, dump their property & migrate everywhere.


Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor everyday worries for China hor

[Image: 71-EB7-A6-B-4-C27-4-C5-B-809-F-93545-CF22751.gif]
whole  world know HK property is crashing fast now.


Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Everybody’s know China have brics to support no problems liao ask your daddy to economically shalf up assholes

all Hk people can run road will run road fast.
china & HK property will only crash & crash more in time to come.
got morons still trust a never keep promise hooligan? same as all the comie dogs & supporters here.

20220624 (新1522增宗)香港中國絕對是雞肋, 李嘉誠800億美金投資越南進軍胡志明地產

“末代港督”彭定康 :“中方承诺香港‘五十年不变’ 却食言违背承诺"

Moronic kokee king of lies good for Hong kids to run those fxxkers are economically useless anyway LOL LOL
ton of HK people run road everyday, run fast before door closed, before all lost their freedom & right, becomes slavery.
7.1 arrives, devil comes, people more scared these days.

香港大時代: 誰會想到那麼多人想離開 假新聞法 將把香港靜音 Google Facebook 大清洗的

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts LOL LOL

China have
Belt and Road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh
HK already gone case.
now medical system also like china, HK people life of span will be like china, cut off almost 10 yrs.
environment, hygiene will be gone soon.

(25-06-2022, 01:05 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts LOL LOL

China have
Belt and Road

Huat arh huat arh huat arh
HKD kena attack soon? 

6.25 【金融風暴前夕!】金管局承接千億港元沽盤,大有山雨欲來之勢,1998年及2008年股災前都係咁!

1 generation of HK people will leave HK eventually.
end of HK or replaced by slavery? no difference.
thanks to petty xi.


with 国安法, HK is generally lawless now, 国安法 is to deal with HK people in general, to take away all their right & freedom to become slavery.
that is why kids must run fast before kena brainwash like slavery, that is why kindergarten most badly hit, run fast.


said many times, almost all HK people can afford to leave, rich & capable, all will leave, only poor & old stay back.
what will happen to HKD after unpeg, down 90% value?


6.30 【港元脫勾的後果!】港府美元儲備足以付與美元脫勾嗎?一隻騰訊就露晒底了!港元最悲觀可能跌九成!

[Image: 20-F3-A0-AC-5-EDC-40-A2-8-BE4-6-A0-CB48-DA0-E9.jpg]
(01-07-2022, 10:31 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]why so many HK people run away before xi arrival? because HK already in police state.
how far away xi stand to speak? beyond gun distance? real clown.

Hong Kong's last British governor says China's 'dictatorship' is creating 'police state'

look at where this clown stand when he barks!!!
really no confident & know how many people hate him & so scared of his people?


TVB still around?

See see moronic kokee LOL LOL
(23-06-2022, 06:43 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]HK got how many kindergarten? 20 or more already closed down.
population increase, number must be up, why down?
how about primary & secondary, ton closed down too.
those capable & rich almost all run road, no one believe ccp china slavery rule, can run better run fast, dump their property & migrate everywhere.


1997 when HK returning to China many Hongkies migrated but later most of them still return HK quietly…. Rotfl

Did many of them come to Sg?
Our Dear garment still build many flats to welcome them but they never turned up?
I still remembered many flats are emptied at that time. After that encountering AFC98… made the property market even in further bad shape.

leaving is ok, most importantly must leave a root behind in case they regret later, still hv a place to return to. if 连根拔起,that's really disastrous
hv seen too many tragedies, those got stuck and regretted couldn't come back, some chose to end their lives there. such cases are not reported in the media so not many know about them
(01-07-2022, 11:58 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]leaving is ok, most importantly must leave a root behind in case they regret later, still hv a place to return to. if 连根拔起,that's really disastrous

凡事留一线 日后好相见 Big Grin
(01-07-2022, 05:55 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china betray 1 country 2 system, promise 50 yrs unchanged for Hk with election of chief.
no one trust china anymore, almost betray all their commitment in last 20-30 yrs, whether is WTO, human right or almost everything.
HK people can afford to run, run now, this action show everything, nothing to argue, how shit Hk is today & worse, tomorrow, dictator, no freedom of speech, news, slavery life.
Look at when queen elizebeth arrive HK, all happily celebrate.
When prince charles in HK in 1/7/1997, proudly returned a top financial center of the world to china & say good bye to Hk people with heart that they work together in last 150 yrs to make Hk a successful.
today, 25 yrs with chna, all run road & F xi off.


china lies, norm, never delivered almost anyhting.

7/1【焦点对话】专访陶杰:说好的香港“50年不变” 为何说变就变

Hj will miss best Hong Kong food yummy yummy
china credibility already zero, no one trust china anymore after HK 1 country 2 system & 50 yrs unchanged promise.

中共信用破產!習近平「一國兩制」講了20次 台美英澳抨擊|外資富豪加速離港

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies envy jealous hor
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