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Full Version: China Business Empire Built on Counterfeit and Fraud, norm
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steal technology, copy cat, imitate, fake, any surprised in china product & good? norm.
comie dogs here are so proud of all these robbery act, spam like crazy dogs here 7/24.
yet use all these technology to do evil & bad things to the world.

China Business Empire Built on Counterfeit and Fraud

There Gov officials all Eat Money until can buy Bently Ferrari but dont know how to drive...powerful la..
Nike has full range of sport related products like apparel wear, not only shoes.
Not only Nike brand, plenty of global brands like adidas, new balanced & ton more.

Fake Shoes, 1/3 Nike Shoes in the World Are Faked in China

Like those 1TB for $10 thumbdrive sold online
china, cheat or con everywhere& everyone, even the meter of largest petrol company also to cheat.

china petrol is not cheap but you pay 92 liter of price for 60 liter of oil, norm, con or cheat as they can, top down.
all these moronic slavery, same as comie dogs here.
is china ron 95 real 95 as ours? all know the answer.


(25-06-2022, 01:52 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china, cheat or con everywhere& everyone, even the meter of largest petrol company also to cheat.

china petrol is not cheap but you pay 92 liter of price for 60 liter of oil, norm, con or cheat as they can, top down.
all these moronic slavery, same as comie dogs here.
is china ron 95 real 95 as ours? all know the answer.


Better than your angmo masters who rob and kill.