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Full Version: 4 Sept: Taiwan Covid Case - 1
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Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
tested how many and got 1 case?
(04-09-2021, 04:26 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]tested how many and got 1 case?

test rate is very very low, Spore’s test rate is 3 million per million and Taiwan’s test rate is 215k per million.
(07-09-2021, 02:54 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

initially they blamed the teacher who was vaccinated with Moderna (1st jab) with symptoms still went to work, they thought she passed the virus to the children at kindergarten. Later the test results showed the 8 kids have more viruses than the teacher, likely the children passed the virus to the teacher. A sign of hidden community outbreak.

【#LIVE 盧秀芳辣晚報】板橋幼園群聚16例恐染Delta 升3級?停不停課"炸鍋" 陳時中:定序不是Alpha@中天新聞 20210907 完整版
[Image: 470594118012112896530691.jpeg?v=w1120r16_9]
(07-09-2021, 06:45 PM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 470594118012112896530691.jpeg?v=w1120r16_9]

The image of the station should be station Houshanpi (後山埤) station in Taipei city….very close to SongShan station within walking distance about 10 min walk. In fact it is close to WuFenPu shopping district about 5 min, where the market place that sell lots of ladies clothings from Japan and Korea.

大魔王Delta來了?!她預言:幼園群聚"只是開始"..... 第2劑何時打?喊話中央:快把"3千萬劑"BNT買起來!機師7+0新制成3+11破口翻版?高虹安嗆爆:台灣沒本錢放寬邊境 @中天電視

「台灣口罩守得住Delta」!? 女戰神酸爆李秉穎:原來我們的第二劑是口罩啊|熱搜發燒榜 @中天新聞