SG Talk

Full Version: Religious Freedom Violations Regarding Falun Gong in Ukraine
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[Image: D2-A633-BA-2-DA1-4-EC4-95-B8-5-AC73-CE6-CE9-C.png]
this name calling dog.
who F care of FLG, all these china rubbish can go to hell immediately, same to ccp.
only comie dog like you concern about FLG shit.
so FLG is a sport or religious or political party or media or what shit?
all these know nut dog.
Falun Gong is banned in Ukraine, Kokee didn’t even realize that
Falun Gong protest in Ukraine

[Image: 8-E66-CC06-EBDB-4458-A358-F509-C5-B408-D5.jpg]
looks like flg is not welcome in many places