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Full Version: 银行限制额度取不出钱,韭菜痛骂银行快被逼疯了
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china banks problem already discuss a lot now in this forum.
your hard earned money in banks, when in emergency like to rescue life in hospital but can withdraw due to banks has no more money, how?
your money in china banks is yours? or your money or asset in china is yours?
1 fine day, 1 program, digital RMB, anything can happen, all over china today.


china banks really big issue now, no money to pay back savers? limit them to withdraw their own money?
better withdraw fast before they said your money in banks are illegal fund raising? 
digital RMB is the most dangerous now, 1 program, 1 button, all gone, that is it?
top down , china everywhere no money, all debts.
most people ton of debt but no jobs.


china property crash, banks going to crash, RMB?

大陸銀行現擠兌風潮! 深扒河南村鎮銀行吸儲400億內幕! 中國銀行藏大雷, 中小銀行屬風險最高

$460k in alibaba bank can only withdraw in 3 yrs time, bank in is easy, take out is almost no way, china!!!
so bank financial turmoil coming in china soon?

46萬存入中國支付寶取不出 客服:請再等3年

絕對權力 絕對腐敗!大陸銀行暴雷 背後原因不簡單 引發金融危機!



china already lawless now regarding all the banks issue today, whether is withdraw or lost or illegal fund raising or whatever lies.
banks has no responsibility.
where is all the money now? how much bad debt exploded in property?
govt already  mis-managed or cannot managed anymore.

1. 銀行挪用存款越來越普遍;2. 資金被捲走,存款隨中小銀行倒閉消失;3, 銀行擠兌惡化,最終拖垮銀行體系;4. 人民幣體系隨中共突然垮台崩潰。



中共真要完了!撒幣過猛 國庫見底 全民銀行取錢被限制 中共在留跑路錢

now cannot withdraw money from banks become norm in china.


china game over soon!!!
