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Full Version: America is a Third World country now
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Kokee, true or not?
Alam Kok very angry leh. 

Fact is fact, Alam Kok wants to twist and turn is futile.  

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thread starter is a stir shit dog, got moron here believe his lies? then real brainless.
China wet dream to become US, copy cat almost 100% of what US was doing.
If US is 3rd world country, then china is dog country, china people become dogs, not  true?

[Image: chinese-poverty.1515419981.jpg]
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(28-06-2022, 05:45 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]China  

Fact : China is a 3rd World country.

You don't know meh?
Kokee can’t accept the U.S. is in deep poverty
(26-06-2022, 09:29 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china statistic.
this is comie dogs dream motherland.


who can compete with china!!!!
US per capita income is 700-1000% of china today!!! si bei poor lah!! even poorer than spore!!!