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01 法国马克龙拒绝限制俄国油气价值提议,马克龙放出豪言要限制全球所有产油国的价格,法国要做世界的主人

02 澳大利亚总理放出豪言中国对台湾是对主权国家的野心

Zelensky urges UN to expel Russia!  Rotfl

【盧秀芳辣晚報】"太毒還是太蠢?" 為嚇阻中共軍艦出港 美海軍指揮官建議 "大陸沿岸布水雷"?!@中天新聞 精華版
I tell u a joke,

3 boy was talking amongst themselves,

1st boy said my unlce vy good diver, he dive in can stay uncer water for 10 min,

2nd boy hear and laugh, what so clever, my uncle even more clever, he can stay under water for 30min,

the 3rd boy laugh even louder, both your uncles where got smarter than my father,,, he last year dive in until now still have not surface..
(30-06-2022, 03:45 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]I tell u a joke,

3 boy was talking amongst themselves,

1st boy said my unlce vy good diver, he dive in can stay uncer water for 10 min,

2nd boy hear and laugh, what so clever, my uncle even more clever, he can stay under water for 30min,

the 3rd boy laugh even louder, both your uncles where got smarter than my father,,, he last year dive in until now still have not surface..


I also have 1 joke to share.

Ah Loong and Biden sitting together in a helicopter flying over a beach.

Biden started to throw down a bag of money from above. The beach goers were happily scrambling for the money.

Biden to ah Loong : you see, I can make these people happy immediately with money. Tell me if you can do any better?

To which ah Loong immediately reply : "if I throw you out of the helicopter now, the whole world would be happy"
[Image: 20220503-094204.jpg]

thankiu you

[Image: EbKZ6qLVE-WVGHPBjXtbnHlABJas8gXQ9L6RVirY...-nd-v1-rwa]
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[Image: ZQfx7_pekCKG4jUi-xmDPUNIrEmo-zVs5QL-e2IT...-nd-v1-rwa]

World at War | Episode 10: China triggers a new war to control your mind  Rotfl

爆约翰逊心灰意冷伤心失望,闹着要退出英国政坛;更大爆料泽连斯基正式邀请他任敖德萨市长  Rotfl ,他还在考虑中要不要去做奴隶主
[Image: 20220712-131925.jpg]

boris started his new job liao
[Image: 0b84bd59eb1fffb1aa49d173d2eb415ef90a006d...57e3_1.jpg]

Liz Truss pledges stronger Commonwealth ties to counter ‘malign influence’ of China

Liz Truss has promised to build stronger economic and trade ties with Commonwealth nations to counter China’s “growing malign influence”.

If she succeeds Boris Johnson as prime minister in September, Ms Truss would launch a “new Commonwealth deal”, aimed at strengthening economic ties across the Commonwealth.

在台媒的一档政论节目中,当主持人问到台当局天弓防空导弹的拦截率有多高时,于北辰表示:通常天弓一发的拦截率是70%,并表示虽然拦截率很高,但为了以防万一,我们三发一起拦截,拦截率就是210%  Rotfl ,向心拦,怎么会拦不到,三发拦截一发,一定拦得到!


[Image: REzGlMyEFmzzP75mfrar2ref78U9VV3H8a0z9qb6...s778-nd-v1]
Q. What is the difference between fish and meat?

A. If you beat your fish, it will die.
(13-08-2022, 10:50 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]土房哥于北辰又暴论,数学未学好堪称「概率论鬼才」

在台媒的一档政论节目中,当主持人问到台当局天弓防空导弹的拦截率有多高时,于北辰表示:通常天弓一发的拦截率是70%,并表示虽然拦截率很高,但为了以防万一,我们三发一起拦截,拦截率就是210%  Rotfl ,向心拦,怎么会拦不到,三发拦截一发,一定拦得到!


[Image: REzGlMyEFmzzP75mfrar2ref78U9VV3H8a0z9qb6...s778-nd-v1]

all these bloody big mouth & lies of china & comie dogs here, ton everyday, all cant deliver, can only use mouth to bark, totally no action!
all these lies & BS, norm in this forum by comie dogs here using all their fake shit from their communist sources of videos & news, almost 100% lies, still got morons here believe all these BS after wrong for thousands time, all these real morons, a wise person will never repeat same mistakes twice!


all these big BS & liar of china & their supporters here & globally!
shameless till no more base line!
wet dream, big mouth, no action, nark like insane brainwash moron in front of the world! same to all comie dogs here & their supporters!



(15-08-2022, 11:27 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these bloody big mouth & lies of china & comie dogs here, ton everyday, all cant deliver, can only use mouth to bark, totally no action!
all these lies & BS, norm in this forum by comie dogs here using all their fake shit from their communist sources of videos & news, almost 100% lies, still got morons here believe all these BS after wrong for thousands time, all these real morons, a wise person will never repeat same mistakes twice!


Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one 

[Image: 3-A721-FB2-D568-4-F4-C-8-AD6-9977-A23057-EC.jpg]
(15-08-2022, 11:27 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these bloody big mouth & lies 


J-20 for TB2? Turkish media says China offers exchange
In china, almost everything has no freedom now, wear what clothes also no freedom! you dont know when you will be in jail!


自己拿自己不當人,絕大多數人活該被奴yi 不值得同情

(16-08-2022, 09:32 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]In china, 

This one  must be moronic Kokee Cok's 师父! Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

[Image: PxI3RVZneRWa7IAjkjbL2LeJXCF3E33zVjZENbfC...1024-nd-v1]

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl
某岛国针对中国武统行动做了多次兵推,最终结果是:“要是我们出手,可保解放军顶多只能占领南部。” 毒弯弯听了乐不可支,庆祝台北终于独立在望。

后来才知道,原来人家说的“南部”,是。。。“北海道以南”,因为俄罗斯也想分一块。 Rotfl

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