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Full Version: Hwa Chong Alumnus Now Runs A $30M Sugar Daddy Dating Empire
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According to VB - lousy school?!
wow sugar daddy
I LOL on his comment, which he " defend himself "

is " obviously is a pimp services like KTV etc "

site offer RICH old men wanna get girl to accompany them or become their " mistress " aka pay monthly to them in return for sex, accompany.
(30-06-2022, 10:38 PM)sporeguy Wrote: [ -> ]According to VB - lousy school?!

lousy school is RI Tongue
Hwa Chong and trump university

sex for grade
Morals downhill....
(30-06-2022, 11:35 PM)pinkypanther Wrote: [ -> ]lousy school is RI Tongue

Must be a big fool saying this… Rotfl