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‘If you don't know the ground, how can you formulate policies?’: S'pore's 'loving critic' Ngiam Tong Dow
I greatly admired Ngiam. He gave some of the best advice to the govt but unfortunately he was forced to retract some of them. Our leaders should read carefully his gems of wisdom rather than hide their heads in the sand and pretend there's no problem.
(03-07-2022, 05:40 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]‘If you don't know the ground, how can you formulate policies?’: S'pore's 'loving critic' Ngiam Tong Dow

Well said lah!
Ngiam sounds like sukee nang...... Thinking
PAP don't have such a simple logic

That is why OUT- of- Touch,

Ivory Tower, Sotong, senseless . . . .all these names

are labelling them yet they refuse to hear our voices

Why must give them chance to destroy us for another 12 years??

[Image: Sham-Ombudsman-makes-no-sense-2022.png]
[Image: IMG-20220703-183923.jpg]
Which politician today knows the ground? LKY? I am sure those who fall between the cracks bag to differ.

Nobody knows the ground. It’s a dream.
The policies are not meant for the people. It's always nation before community before family before individuals. This is democratic country by voting, but a socialistic by policies and as a small country it would mean dictatorship by control so that we can be effective and efficient.
Their current policy for peasants is to work until die?
Song Boh!
[Image: 9-BE89203-CD2-F-435-B-8996-28-A5-BF6-DFC93.gif]
Hr was from a bygone era. Nowadays our transport minister doesn't take MRT or bus to work. MND minister doesn't live in HDB. Minister of Education didn't study in local uni. Etc etc.
Which idiot formulate this policy

Which idiot approved it

For a disunited Singapore, poor integration efforts and FTs #1?
Same like army if you don't know the terrain how can you formulate strategy........ Big Grin
Ya if the ground has a sinking hole si Liao.
That is why LHL end up with Shoot Blank Queen

Siah- Suay

as if companies want to hire jobless

or elderly Engineering who were in electronics 10 years ago

[Image: JT-its-a-great-pity.png]
(03-07-2022, 06:40 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-20220703-183923.jpg]

ALL actors and actresses lah!