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Full Version: Sydney flooded again, climate crisis new normal in Australia's most populous state
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Most liveable city no more
Most flooded city in Southern Hemispheres
(05-07-2022, 07:58 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Most flooded city in Southern Hemispheres

4 floods in 18 months, that’s worrying.
AU is increasingly either dealing with mega flooding or meg fires every few months. Yet the Aussies are still burning lots of coal. They reap what they sow.
"Recent measurements using the Global Positioning System (GPS) suggest that the Australian continent is sinking, but current understanding of geophysical processes suggests that the expected vertical motion of the plate should be close to zero or uplifting."

the land cud be sinking
(05-07-2022, 08:31 PM)Ichigo Wrote: [ -> ]4 floods in 18 months, that’s worrying.

Sounds like Bangladesh
Good lah... with flooding, can ride the nuclear submarines into Sydney longkangs !!!
Big Grin Heng,,we only once in 50 years, song bo