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Full Version: Problems with SERS can be avoided if residents can vote just like en bloc
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Until now I don't understand why not let residents vote for it.

1. Govt claim it is mutually beneficial.
2. Govt stand to gain through redevelopment enabling them to get higher revenue.
3. Residents purchased a 99yr lease has a right to stay until lease ends.
(07-07-2022, 06:57 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Retards like you will never understand

Retarded like you still don't get it after 3 threads

and more than 50 comments here in SGTALK

Are you really that dumb??
It is a good test.
Great reset will b a great mess
sriLanka 60% have food problem
and they using firewoods.
no point debating as the old has died
and the test not perfect has given us a glimpse
ur hope is to live out ur remaining time left
the other belongs to sotong if he succeeds
failure he might be hung on a taugay tree.
Davos r scared and want to lock u down indefinitly
being dragged across the streets beri frightening
If I'm the minister will say Vote want or don't want Fair and Square

isn't upgrading they also ask residents to vote? want or don't want.

Maybe this different as You cannot decided simply because Govt WANT these blocks to demolished.
u think playing snakes and ladders easy.
they know they look bad.
jab after jab and the inevitable happened poisons ooze
they call it Hou-tou. drop dead they called it SADS
(07-07-2022, 06:54 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Until now I don't under why not let residents vote for it.

HDB dwellers are leasee, not owner 

That is why PAP can screw their lives
They try it on Russia. Failed
USD to Ruble 54
this cannot go on
format changed to USD as King of the packs
All kneel. meaning retrace what Paul volcker did in 1981.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-07-19-24-02.png]
(07-07-2022, 07:13 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]u think playing snakes and ladders easy.
they know they look bad.
jab after jab and the inevitable happened poisons ooze
they call it Hou-tou. drop dead they called it SADS

We already have lot of snake in pap.. r
Tonight Boris resigns gov. under him until autumn
FM rushing back from Indonesia
used to b Queen owns US corp.
Things will change too much and it causing acute PAINS.
Can u feels IMF s pains over sriLanka.
money lender ?
All look alike even the IMF or world bank or BIS
surprising US $down not up against br pound
(07-07-2022, 06:54 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Until now I don't under why not let residents vote for it.

U don't want sers meh?? U really stupiq fool lah ..
There's no doubt that ppl want sers. They just don't want to fork out extra money. Voting will have no use as you'll have majority of people voting for it.
(07-07-2022, 06:58 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Retarded like you still don't get it after 3 threads

and more than 50 comments here in SGTALK

Are you really that dumb??

Jhk come here earn money push up the HDB price then retire back home like a king. The burden of high HDB price will let SG's future generation bear lor.
those ser resident will vote them out lor.  No consultation at all. our gov really so jialat .