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Full Version: LHL update ... Abe shooting : Critical condition & doctors are now trying to save him
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(08-07-2022, 02:46 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]

They met before lah!
Abe UnAble liao la
Shocking news especially gun shoot in Japan
Jipun kia when they ki siao, really sibeh siao wan. Last time got a sarin attack on the train killing many people...... Rolleyes
Pent up stress, one day they just go crazy. Maybe some sinkies will be like that soon
One shot in neck and one in heart. How to survive given his age as well. Very pityful after serving for so long.
(08-07-2022, 04:39 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Pent up stress, one day they just go crazy. Maybe some sinkies will be like that soon

Oredy happen just beri rare. Remember got 1 husband killed his wealthy wife and later suicide some years back. Recently oso another 1 killed wife and child and half heartedly tried to off himself bcos of bad debts. Got 1 man pour kerosene on MP and set him alight many years back ?
(08-07-2022, 04:46 PM)mikotan Wrote: [ -> ]One shot in neck and one in heart. How to survive given his age as well. Very pityful after serving for so long.

Abe was oredy looking in poor healthl when he was campaigning . Really unfortunate. Shot twice some more.
(08-07-2022, 04:48 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]Oredy happen just beri rare. Remember got 1 husband killed his wealthy wife and later suicide some years back. Recently oso another 1 killed wife and child and half heartedly tried to off himself bcos of bad debts. Got 1 man pour kerosene on MP and set him alight many years back ?

The MP kena pour kerosene and set on fire is Seng Han Thong