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Full Version: Girl complains of Chinese privilege in S'pore
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this sweetie articulates well
and hey!
now i know i damńed got priviledge.
but kaanineh how come i dont feel it!
(06-09-2021, 10:20 AM)menghuii Wrote: [ -> ]this sweetie articulates well
and hey!
now i know i damńed got priviledge.
but kaanineh how come i dont feel it!

Everyone gets some "privilege " simply because it is impossible to smooth things out so perfectly. Chinese are the majority here simply by virtue of cultural similarity ...there is what van be argued as "privilege" ...but I would say it is not severe but the girl is entitled to her opinion and has the benefit of speaking from experience.

My main concern is more recent developments... 

1. During the heat from CECA related iaaues suddenly this "racism" issue got played up by state media and ministers.
One minister even linked those who oppose to CECA to fanning racism.

2. All this stirring let people and even celebrities to come out and talk about their "negative" experiences.

3. This pushed everyone to be ultra sensitive about race. If I receive bad service from someone of different race it has to be because of race.. if I apply job and interviewer is different race did not give me the job ...he is racists. ...the politicians have put us in a viciously cycle trap for their own political purpose.

4. It is sad ...we lost the easy going give and take attitude to live well together. Now everyone is ultrasensitive and difference in race is put in foreground.

5. It is a very sad unfortunate development....

I grew up with people of different races and we could laugh and make fun of each other without being deep offended ...that is true meaning of racial harmony.

Now we have to put up walls and shields and create artificial interaction out of fear the other party accuse us of racism. ....we are moving in the wrong direction.

Encouraging people to be ultrasensitive will encourage people to interpret all sorts actions and racial microagression...and encourage people to feel offended all the time leading to distrust and splinter in our society.

The politicians are leading us to a bad state.....
Judging from her accent, she's an imported S Asian. Why doesn't she assimilate into our Singaporean society? Expect us to kowtow to her caste system?
I've already mentioned that we recite the Singapore Pledge since our school days and all races lived in harmony. Only with the import of FT too many and too fast in recent years all harmony went out the door.
(06-09-2021, 10:54 AM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Judging from her accent, she's an imported S Asian. Why doesn't she assimilate into our Singaporean society? Expect us to kowtow to her caste system?
I've already mentioned that we recite the Singapore Pledge since our school days and all races lived in harmony. Only with the import of FT too many and too fast in recent years all harmony went out the door.

Same sentiments .... not local. See lah, import these India variants CECA come cause racial unrest .... they are the one caused the first riots in 20 yrs .... fugg them off lah ... no little contributions but plenty of problems. Another reason I wont and never will rent by place to them.
from the way they talk, one already can tell who are the potentially difficult tenants or employees. best is to politely tell them pls go home and wait for replies
When I was a student, I was so so privileged that I had to pay school fees while my Malay classmates didn't have this "privilege"!  crying

When I started working, I was so so privileged that I had to eat spicy halal food during every staff function. But my stomach cursed me so frequently with the "privilege"!  crying
There is also prejudice against people who don't look good. People who are fat. People who are poor.
I am sure each feel less privileged for their own reasons.

I am sure on the issue of privilege ....the rich poor gap drives it more than race. A poor person vs a rich person.

We are chasing after ghosts....once the politicians play up the racism card ....non problems get blown up.

A person renting out his home will first want to know if tenant is well off first not to miss the rent payments rather than race..........
(06-09-2021, 11:00 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]from the way they talk, one already can tell who are the potentially difficult tenants or employees. best is to politely tell them pls go home and wait for replies

I won't even entertain them. Once a property agent bought an india variant CECA for viewing without my knowledge ... come in ah chee ah chor .... i ignore them and din even bother talking to them. Later the agent said they want to rent but want lower rent and fresh coat of paint .... I ask him to fugg a lamp post

Later they backtrack and agreed to my term .... I din reply
Try going India and see Indian has privileges?

Most will deny it... but majority will have advantage.

Try going China or USA and see majority has advantages??

Those who chose to blindly believe pledge is stupid.
(06-09-2021, 11:17 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Try going India and see Indian has privileges?

Most will deny it... but majority will have advantage.

Try going China or USA and see majority has advantages??

Those who chose to blindly believe pledge is stupid.

You run an SME 20 people.
You are the boss.

If you are Indian the tendency is to hire Indians for various reasons because many of your workers and customers are more fluent in Tamil. ...and easier to manage because most have same holidays and customs.

So it is understandable. If majority Chinese means there are .and more SMEs that are Chinese owned than Indian owned.

But you never see this problem in big enterprise....that is why people are complaining about the opposite problem of Indian nationals being hired into banking and IT.

What I am saying is there is no racism involved and it only affects you if you are looking for jobs in SMEs. .

Over time language and cultural barriers will fade and problem disappears. Trying to coerce SMEs I think is unnecessary.
She is trying to b funny or a pyscho...sent her imh before she creates more trouble.

So many chinese want to b a minority here to enjoy special privileges..n so easy to rise up in the civil service , n elsewhere if got right attitude nqualifications need to work so hard n compete with the more hard working industrious majority
Her kind can come SG and snatch jobs already considered privileged. Or she thought it's an entitlement?
She can work at banana leg lane Big Grin
(06-09-2021, 11:47 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]She can work at banana leg lane Big Grin

Boss Walaneh is missing leh. Laughing
Wheres the person? Cannot see in video..only SAsia audio heard..
(06-09-2021, 11:40 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Her kind can come SG and snatch jobs already considered privileged. Or she thought it's an entitlement?

Ya, these come here and replace our PMET. Send her balick kampong to her ra.pist cuntry
(06-09-2021, 12:16 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Boss Walaneh is missing leh. Laughing

Yes thats true.... what happened to walaneh? nudie Thinking
(06-09-2021, 12:27 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Yes thats true.... what happened to walaneh?  nudie  Thinking

He's lost in Banana Leg county. Rotfl
Wow..this one daring..and xrazy
Airing their personal view as catchy as possible through social platform to grab as much attention while trying to monetize it as well. She is living in her comfort zone. These young generation are very dangerous. Hope to see necessary action from the authority.
Wait.. this is racism against the Chinese.. Ah Shan, where are you?
If she dresses sexily, sure no problem.
There is no chinese privilege in singapore. 

In fact, I think there is indian privilege in Singapore becos in the past 10 years although there had been many reported cases of local-indians making racist remarks or displaying racist behaviour against foreign-chinese or local-chinese, all of them are either no further updates from the media or just get a warning only and no jail and no fine.(I cannot recollect 1 single case whereby the local-indian is charged in Court for that, if got any netizen can remember got 1 charged case, can tell me)


1) that tiong bahru plaza assault case whereby a local-indian woman assaulted a PRC female total stranger for no reason at all and then this same indian woman barged into a shop to assault 2 chinese salesgirls(either malaysian-chinese or PRC) for no reason at all and she also made the racist remarks "bloody idiot you chinese girls".

This indian woman assaulted THREE chinese female total strangers for no reason at all and she also made racist remarks against chinese girls and yet no jail and not even a fine for this racist woman? Becos up till now a few years had already passed and still no media updates on this case.

2) Last year 1 local-indian guy never wear mask and he try to board a bus. The china bus captain is only doing his job but this indian guy scold racist insults and vulgarities against the china bus captain and again no updates on this case.

3) a few years ago that preetipls made racist remarks against local-chinese and she also no jail and no fine and only get a warning.

In comparison, a few years ago got 1 singaporean middle-aged chinese got jailed for a few weeks for making insulting remarks against a india foriegn worker inside the lift. Although this middle-aged guy made the insulting remarks is wrong, but he never hit the india foreign worker. Whereas that tiong bahru plaza assault case that indian woman assaulted THREE chinese female total strangers for no reason at all and she also said the racist remarks "bloody idiot you chinese girls."
Chinese convenience is not chinese privilege.

Example becos most HDB shop businesses are owned by chinese owners, hence during CNY eve, CNY day 1 and 2, many such shops closed becos this is a tradition for chinese shops to close during CNY

And becos most shop businesses in HDB estates are owned by chinese, hence will seems like most hdb downstairs shops close during CNY.

But this is not chinese privilege.
Pandora box is open?
How did she interpret privilege?

Chinese privilege? Nonsense! How come I don't enjoy it? I pay every damn tax and fee! My parking fee is the same as others'. I overpark, I get fined! I got penalised for having the third child. My wife was deprived of her maternity leave...Where the f is my Chinese privilege?

When one has the self-entitle mentality, everything can be seen as a privilege!
keep talking about chinese previledge. cite real case?
then is it just some people preference or the person herself cmi?
i know of many singapore indian, malay that has done well in life.
there are also many chinese that has not done ok.
while foreigner unfair competition is real with many real case cited.
(06-09-2021, 05:24 PM)portaly Wrote: [ -> ]There is no chinese privilege in singapore. 

In fact, I think there is indian privilege in Singapore becos in the past 10 years although there had been many reported cases of local-indians making racist remarks or displaying racist behaviour against foreign-chinese or local-chinese, all of them are either no further updates from the media or just get a warning only and no jail and no fine.(I cannot recollect 1 single case whereby the local-indian is charged in Court for that, if got any netizen can remember got 1 charged case, can tell me)


1) that tiong bahru plaza assault case whereby a local-indian woman assaulted a PRC female total stranger for no reason at all and then this same indian woman barged into a shop to assault 2 chinese salesgirls(either malaysian-chinese or PRC) for no reason at all and she also made the racist remarks "bloody idiot you chinese girls".

This indian woman assaulted THREE chinese female total strangers for no reason at all and she also made racist remarks against chinese girls and yet no jail and not even a fine for this racist woman? Becos up till now a few years had already passed and still no media updates on this case.

2) Last year 1 local-indian guy never wear mask and he try to board a bus. The china bus captain is only doing his job but this indian guy scold racist insults and vulgarities against the china bus captain and again no updates on this case.

3) a few years ago that preetipls made racist remarks against local-chinese and she also no jail and no fine and only get a warning.

In comparison, a few years ago got 1 singaporean middle-aged chinese got jailed for a few weeks for making insulting remarks against a india foriegn worker inside the lift. Although this middle-aged guy made the insulting remarks is wrong, but he never hit the india foreign worker. Whereas that tiong bahru plaza assault case that indian woman assaulted THREE chinese female total strangers for no reason at all and she also said the racist remarks "bloody idiot you chinese girls."

that tiong bahru case remains a mystery
When the PM started dwelling into racism in a national speech, you can expect responses like this.

It's not smart, which he thought he is.

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