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"Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said on Monday that countries should avoid being used as "chess pieces" by global powers in a region that he said was at risk of being reshaped by geopolitical factors.

Addressing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) secretariat in a speech in the Indonesian capital

Jakarta, Wang said many countries in the region were under pressure to take sides.

"We should insulate this region from geopolitical calculations… from being used as chess pieces from major power rivalry and from coercion," said Wang, who was speaking through a translator."

The Chinese Foreign Minister copied a few leaves from our brilliant PM Lee previous statement.

- to choose between superpowers ie. US and China

- the law of the jungle

On Ukraine war, Singapore imposed sanction on Russia is based on principles as Singapore do not take sides..

But, on contrary in SCS, PM Lee asked Asean members to choose between US and China.

Is this contradiction when asking members to take sides?
(12-07-2022, 07:43 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]..

The Chinese Foreign Minister copied a few leaves from our brilliant PM Lee previous statement.

- to choose between superpowers ie. US and China

- the law of the jungle


Do you know now China draft out 4 big lists to ask US to follow? Rotfl 

In the past before trade war started, China would follow what the lists given to them, but US was too much at that time, they wanted to control China food production. So China no choice got to start trade war with US.

(12-07-2022, 07:39 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said on Monday that countries should avoid being used as "chess pieces" by global powers in a region that he said was at risk of being reshaped by geopolitical factors.

Addressing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) secretariat in a speech in the Indonesian capital

Jakarta, Wang said many countries in the region were under pressure to take sides.

"We should insulate this region from geopolitical calculations… from being used as chess pieces from major power rivalry and from coercion," said Wang, who was speaking through a translator."

You mean Chinese Chess 中国象棋 meh? Who is the 帅 or 将 leh?
this is kind of rubbish too , bec China is deem a super power too and will be deploying the same shit as the other super powers too

the only difference why I still support them is that they dont come with guns and bombs
(12-07-2022, 09:55 AM)keys Wrote: [ -> ]this is kind of rubbish too , bec China is deem a super power too  and will be deploying the same shit as the other super powers too

the only difference why I still support them is that they dont come with guns and bombs

I think you never read China history before. Rotfl
One of the main reasons why collapsing of Ming Dynasty was China at that time helping Korea to fight against the aggressor, Japan. The war lasted for about 7 years.

5000 years of history, China has never invaded any country outside China.
(12-07-2022, 07:53 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]On Ukraine war, Singapore imposed sanction on Russia is based on principles as Singapore do not take sides..
But, on contrary in SCS, PM Lee asked Asean members to choose between US and China.
Is this contradiction when asking members to take sides?

SG gov wants to be a odd one we are the only country in ASEAN to sanction Russia.

The odd thing is while we talk about "principle" against military invasions, we supported and even involved in US's invasion of Iraq based on WMD falsehood...and against UN law -  Today,  other can accuse SG gov of hypocrisy in willingly becoming a "chess piece" in US invasion of Iraq, while lecturing Russia on Ukraine.   Rolleyes
(12-07-2022, 08:18 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know now China draft out 4 big lists to ask US to follow? Rotfl 

In the past before trade war started, China would follow what the lists given to them, but US was too much at time, they wanted to control China food production. So China no choice got to start trade war with US.


My CECA friend told me USA GM foods is trying to control India food production. Be careful..
(12-07-2022, 11:10 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]My CECA friend told me USA GM foods is trying to control India food production. Be careful..

CECA is very smart…
Dont think it is an easy prey.
Even Russia also kena jialat jialat by India before.
(21-06-2022, 02:00 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]How to Spot a Hypocrite
Say one thing but do another.
1. Treat those in power differently than they act toward underlings.
2 Give advice but fail to follow their own guidance.
3. Preach tolerance but judge others who don’t conform to their way of thinking.
4. Volunteer others but rarely raise their own hand.
5. Live one way in public but another in private.
6.Pretend to be someone they’re not merely to win acceptance.
7. Make rules but fail to follow the rules themselves.
8. Preach morality but live a shameful life.
9. Demand things of others that they’re unwilling to do themselves.
10. Say one thing to someone’s face but another thing behind their back.
11. Pretend to be wealthy even though their bank account is bare.
12. Alter their opinion to gain acceptance from people with differing viewpoints.
13. Condemn the actions of others even though they commit those same acts themselves.
14. Promote a holier-than-thou image merely to offset reckless behavior.
15. Help people only when it’s in their personal interest to do so.
16. Pretend to care when their motive is really self-serving.
17. Demand austerity for others but handsomely compensate themselves.
18. Feign outrage even though they have no intention of doing anything about it.
19. Penalize some folks for wrongdoings but look the other way for others.
20. Lecture people about morality but cover up for their friends.
21. Judge others but call people intolerant when they’re personally judged.
22. Judge others but call people intolerant when they’re personally judged.
23. Act one way when folks are looking; the opposite when they’re not. folks are looking; the opposite when they’re not.

below is 2 most popular speakers in HK.
Never trust what ccp china say!!!
ccp china dont keep to their promise, a total liar. To date what he said is fully confirmed, he is totally right about ccp china in HK 1 country 2 system, 50 yrs unchanged & ton of others like in WTO & more!!
He gone thru with ccp & know ccp from core, ccp is a total liar, same to all comie dogs in this forum.


Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
(12-07-2022, 09:28 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]You mean Chinese Chess 中国象棋 meh? Who is the 帅 or 将 leh?

Suggest you read the actual wordings from what Chinese minister had said - Here is the quote for ZB:

Bluntly put, Wang is directly pointing out the danger of some countries or entity in Asia becoming a pawn rather than having the spine of their own.  Just look at S Korea, Japan and Australia - All wanna become NATO, AUKUS, QUAD etc etc...and all made the choice of spend more $ on US weapons.

As if Ukraine e.g. is not enough as a lesson. Rolleyes
The US uses GMOs extensively to grow corn, soybeans and other crops. Most US people are already eating these foods. China imported about 5 million tons of corn in 2020 and they have approved the use of GMOs for the growing of corn and soybeans. So what is the problem about GMOs?
aiya being stewpig doesn't mean it's ok to be stewpig. agree?
Never,   never and never treat other people as kids.  That is the number 1 rule.  Surprisingly,  he is the Foreign Minister.  It will only upset the other people.  People who did are people with eyes grew above their heads.
A good piece of advice by Wang Yi to all those like Lithuania, Aussie, S Korea and Japan.   

To be cooperative in business development for mutual benefits is the best policy.  

US Boeing has done a study declaring China needs 8,000 airliners in the next 20 year but this year 292 aircraft order worth USD 37.2 billion all goes to Airbus, 0 for Boeing.   

Alam Kok, what do you say? Who won? Who to blame?     

(12-07-2022, 11:47 AM)revealer Wrote: [ -> ]...So what is the problem about GMOs? ...

The problem is more people will get cancer.   


(12-07-2022, 12:13 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]Never,   never and never treat other people as kids.  ...

But some countries, like Morison of Aussie, and Lithuania behave exactly like kids. Also, a S Korea hypermarket which went under. Never learn.  

(12-07-2022, 12:23 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]But some countries, like Morison of Aussie, and Lithuania behave exactly like kids. Also, a S Korea hypermarket which went under. Never learn.  


I will let others comment.   They must think worth the while to speak up and go against China.  Why people wanted to make enemies?
(12-07-2022, 11:47 AM)revealer Wrote: [ -> ]The US uses GMOs extensively to grow corn,  soybeans and other crops.  Most US people are already eating these foods.  China imported about 5 million tons of corn in 2020 and they have approved the use of GMOs for the growing of corn and soybeans.  So what is the problem about GMOs?

GMO crops are used differently in US vs China:

The former is world's largest export of GMO and their gov allows human consumption.
The later is far more careful with GMO as food and instead use it as animal feed.

That is why the Yanks not happy with the Chinese for being strict with Genetically modified soybean import.
(04-07-2022, 02:15 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]In OBOR, recently, not only sri lanka, uzebekistan bankrupt, pakistan, laos & many more also at verge of bankruptcy, almost all the OBOR brother of china.
china F care, same to rubbish BRICS country, like argentina, russia, china also cannot make it soon, with their covid lock down, banks & property, factories & jobless, all the military enemy surrounding it!!!


china OBOR & BRICS, all the china alliances, 1 by 1 bankrupt & collapse, nothing to do with china?


曾是南亚中高收入国却破产 斯里兰卡掉入中国“一带一路陷阱”


USA and China they both are making use of other countries as their Chess.
(12-07-2022, 01:00 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]GMO crops are used differently in US vs China:

The former is world's largest export of GMO and their gov allows human consumption.
The later is far more careful with GMO as food and instead use it as animal feed.

That is why the Yanks not happy with the Chinese for being strict with Genetically modified soybean import.

Kokee dumbest dog

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
(12-07-2022, 11:31 AM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]Suggest you read the actual wordings from what Chinese minister had said - Here is the quote for ZB:

Bluntly put, Wang is directly pointing out the danger of some countries or entity in Asia becoming a pawn rather than having the spine of their own.  Just look at S Korea, Japan and Australia - All wanna become NATO, AUKUS, QUAD etc etc...and all made the choice of spend more $ on US weapons.

As if Ukraine e.g. is not enough as a lesson. Rolleyes

I see him no up not scared of him lah!
(12-07-2022, 01:29 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]I see him no up not scared of him lah!

No one is asking you to. Rolleyes
(12-07-2022, 01:31 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]No one is asking you to. Rolleyes

I'm telling you lah!
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