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Full Version: i cook my own hokkien mee becoz jin dulan hawker raise price to $5 / $5.50 for small
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last time was $3.50 in 2015 i think, then to $4 or $4.50, now its $5. and only miserable 2 prawns n microscopic sliced pork n sotong.

some people even said now small plate $5.50.

n eat a few mouth will finish.

so i cooked this, cost about $5 to $6 for ingredients in all. can feed me n both parents 3 people eat de.

i cooked it original way. from boiling prawns stock , but didnt use pork bone because dont have. so play cheat add chicken powder stock into it.
then fry it with cooking oil that was previously used to fry pork ribs so at least got a bit of the porky lard taste, with garlic.

then add 'jiu cai, noodles (i bought those on offer at SS, one packet around $1 to $2 + ), tau geh (one packet $0.80), the prawns broth n prawns, and crabstick (coz no sotong). didnt add sliced pork belly, lazy to prepare. forgot prawns cost how much, i think its $0.20 to $0.30 each. crabstick is one packet $2.40, this time i used a bit only. so the rest can use to make salad or sandwich.

also added 2 eggs. but should have fried the eggs in oil initially, set aside n then add in last. coz after adding eggs n stirring the eggs also lost inside noodles already.

for  seasoning its just fish sauce, salt, pepper. no soy sauce, oyster sauce. the broth already have some salt n chicken powder seasoning already.

then eat with sambal chili (leftover from zhichar dinner, and lime (coz no calamansi lime))

taste wise so so, noodles not as soft as outside one, maybe i didnt use enough broth or water n make it wet enough. or simmer longer.

parents say taste wise ok, pass. of course not strong wok-hei or charred taste. and dont have enough porky lard taste.
anyway i used thick bee hoon, coz prefer it over thin bee hoon.

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Not bad, so each person $2 + effort
PAP gave FTs good job

They can easily afford those food

and bring SG Unesco Culture

to a higher level
Terrible look leh like BMT cookhouse...