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Full Version: European cities set all-time temperature records amid unrelenting heat wave
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By Amarachi Orie, Taylor Ward, Niamh Kennedy, Mia Alberti, Al Goodman, Camille Knight and Amandine Hess, CNN

Updated 1701 GMT (0101 HKT) July 14, 2022

New records have been set as temperatures topped 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) across much of Spain and Portugal Wednesday amid a persistent heat wave across western Europe.

In northwest Spain, the city of Ourense set its all-time temperature record of 43.2 degrees Celsius (109.76 degrees Fahrenheit) on Tuesday, according to Spain's meteorological agency, AEMET.

On Wednesday, Zamora set its own record after reaching 41.1 degrees Celsius (105.98 degrees Fahrenheit), according to climate statistician Max Herrera. Soria set a record of 38.7 degrees Celsius (101.66 degrees Fahrenheit) that same day.

The central Portuguese town of Lousã set an all-time record of 46.3 degrees Celsius (115.34 degrees Fahrenheit) and Lisbon set a July record of 41.4 degrees Celsius (106.52 degrees Fahrenheit).

But the worst is yet to come.

Much more at:
They are burning more coal and wood.

Situation will become worse!

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Already here my kkj sweating Sad
(18-07-2022, 09:17 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Already here my kkj sweating Sad

Seek FA help u blow wind...!! Laughter-68
temperature reached 45,7 deg celsius
wat hapan?
wat hapan?
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-18-22-17-16.png]
seems like not easy to be sotong hench-men
u r expendabled
once u run out of ideas u become overnight u-tiao
u must be beri mean and nasty
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-18-22-17-16.png]
(18-07-2022, 09:50 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Seek FA help u blow wind...!! Laughter-68

Only meimeis welcome Big Grin
(18-07-2022, 11:13 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Only meimeis welcome Big Grin

He pinkie dots meimei... Confused
(18-07-2022, 11:24 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]He pinkie dots meimei... Confused


France faces highest-ever temperatures
(18-07-2022, 10:13 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]wat hapan?

[Image: 20220719-074407.jpg]

postimage org browse

London fires: Mayor Sadiq Khan says 'we simply can't cope'

Gravitas: At 40 degrees, record heat melts UK

【頭條開講】法國麵包沒了?歐陸爆熱!歐盟警告糧食減產可能!歐洲不流行吹冷氣?熱死人數破千! 20220719 @頭條開講
Do what I know, extreme weather is actually caused by the Earth orbiting nearer to the Sun at the moment. The whole cycle will take 26000 years from the start point.
We are now at about half of it,(13000 years), currently nearer to the Sun. Once the Earth starts to move away from the Sun…. The extreme weather will be subsided…
This is why We have Sahara Desert due to this precession cycle. Another 13000 years later, Sahara Desert will be vanished from Earth.
Europe got no gas, no oil to power their aircon?
Most of their homes are without aircon. 
Even during summer, they just use fans. 
Can imagine their subway without aircon and  full of people?