SG Talk

Full Version: Germany’s Top Buyer Of Russian Gas On The Brink Of Insolvency
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Kokee didn't help ah?  Thinking
Kokee said India will supply cow gas....what happened?
Germans already 2 rounds against Russia for the globalists cannot make it
1. German household as Romanovs in Russia inself all shot
2. Hitler invasion of Russia again for the globalists.
now globalist taking down gov. to be replaced with beri hiong-ed set.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-13-17-41-40.png]

they r Germans
boy heir shot twice
Kokokei says don't worry they have a lot of resources and Ukraine has won the battle. 3 days?
Alam Kokee,  

Where is the 乌克兰百万人七月大反攻?  Now almost August already leh!!!   

All BS, fake news!    

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl  

Russian gas flow to Germany halted indefinitely.
Gazprom Declares Force Majeure
contract cannot be fulfilled
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-19-19-30-54.png]
Nordstream 2 is ready, yet they don't want to use!

Really DF!