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Full Version: China Saved the World During 2008 Financial Crisis
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China pulled the US out of the 2008 financial crisis, a Chinese expert said on Thursday, saying that China's opening-up is win-win. "China made the largest contribution for the US to recover from the financial crisis over the past 10 years.
However this time around nobody can save the crisis. The world will go down together thanks to the U.S.
(19-07-2022, 02:58 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]China pulled the US out of the 2008 financial crisis, a Chinese expert said on Thursday, saying that China's opening-up is win-win. "China made the largest contribution for the US to recover from the financial crisis over the past 10 years.

This is also a big mistake China made in helping this ungrateful country called United States of America. Laughing
(19-07-2022, 03:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]However this time around nobody can save the crisis. The world will go down together thanks to the U.S.

China has been holding tightly and not helping America. Let him rot...
wrong lah.
China agreed with Paulson to allow QE to infinity.
QE to infinity has run its course ending 0.65%
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-14-12-07-15.png]

PS Technocracy invited China as a member during Teng sio Ping era
chart shows the goodness of wat Paul Volcker did in 1980