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Full Version: bui bui Kirsten han to be fixed again?
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80% of the people support death penalty for drug traffickers.

Kristen Han is free to put forth any argument. If she can convince majority towards her point of view then change will come.

But I don't see a clear convincing Lin of argument here.
She 1 vote against capital punishment, I 1 vote for capital punishment..

My point very simple, if one day my loved ones get killed by someone, I definitely want that person dead..

If she is ok with her loved ones getting killed, but yet still chose to defend the killer from capital punishment, then I rest my case.
Is she receiving money from some NGO?
I disagree with her but there is no need that make fun of her weight.
(24-07-2022, 04:02 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]80% of the people support death penalty for drug traffickers.

Kristen Han is free to put forth any argument. If she can convince majority towards her point of view then change will come.

But I don't see a clear convincing Lin of argument here.

She can say whatever she likes lah! People will keep on dying by the rope lah!
why dun they spend time on educating the offenders and warn them about the death penalty instead?