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Full Version: Covid 19: Singapore All Mostly Had Their Booster Jab; Why Cases Keep Increasing
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Today Singapore has 12419 covid cases
In the channel 8 programme, the doctor said something like hospitalisation rate about the same for vaccinated and non vaccinated chidren. Vaccine seems like not working at all.
Most people took the booster around 6 months ago. The effect is waning. Take the 2nd booster if you are eligible.
everybody want to take MC or work from home mah
(26-07-2022, 10:10 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]Most people took the booster around 6 months ago. The effect is waning. Take the 2nd booster if you are eligible.

I had my vaccination for a number of diseases when I was a child, many years ago . Till today, they are still effective!  Big Grin
Ask Biden he had 4 shots still kena Covid
There are a few factors contributing to the high number of cases:

- School holiday, big crowds in malls and public places, many also travelled overseas for vacation
- No more TraceTogether and people no longer keep social distancing
- The new variants are more aggressive and infectious
I'll suggest everyone go for a flu jab if you don't take it annually.
Singapore will always have covid and monkeypox virus because our border is always open to foreigners and non zero covid policy.
European parliament
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-27-00-49-50.png]
(27-07-2022, 12:43 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore will always have covid and monkeypox virus because our border is always open to foreigners and non zero covid policy.
That's the problem ...

OYK said monkeypox wouldn't be a global pandemic yet WHO declared monkeypox as Global Emergency!

Somehow Singapore seems to predict everything wrongly!
OYK says don't know why
Last year July, Israel study found Pfizer vaccine was only 39% effective against Delta. Now against Omicron variant, it should only be worst.  

[Image: Vaccine04.png]

[Image: Vaccine05.png]
Pfizer is not interested in spending $ to develop vaccine for omicron as it can still sell the present vaccine to scoop huge amount of $. 

those who claimed 95% efficacy must be Satan's helpers 👿
Will take ten years to achieve zero covid.
(26-07-2022, 09:57 PM)sporeguy Wrote: [ -> ]Today Singapore has 12419 covid cases

Maybe not effective anymore lah! Expired liao leh!
goyang Bang sampai bawah basah 2
Vaccinated and Double Boosted with mRNA vaccines and infected can spread the virus.

Like that, this pandemic cannot end as the virus keeps mutating.

Thus, US is changing their vaccines.