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Full Version: Why SG Stock market Still so bad?
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No syndicate mah...why he so stupid? First day in market?
Go HK lah. More action
Market ...or stocks?

Last few years from 200 to 2020 grow was primarily in tech so US market triumph.

In 1970 to 1996 Hong Kong Market went up 20× times and Asian tiger markets were hot because end infrastructure and transport growth.

There is nothing permanently bad or permanently good.

When picking stocks home market is best place to pick we had many gems we are familiar with like Sheng Siong, Propnex, Hour Glass etc this gives us homegrown advantage.

Since I started investing there is never shortage of good stock opportunities on the sgx.
Is he still peddling his wife’s handbags? Big Grin
(27-07-2022, 05:18 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Market ...or stocks?

Last few years from 200 to 2020 grow was primarily in tech so US market triumph.

In 1970 to 1996 Hong Kong Market went up 20× times and Asian tiger markets were hot because end infrastructure and transport growth.

There is nothing permanently bad or permanently good.

When picking stocks home market is best place to pick we had many gems we are familiar with like Sheng Siong, Propnex, Hour Glass etc this gives us homegrown advantage.

Since I started investing there is never shortage of good stock opportunities on the sgx.

Tonight 7.00pm got Endowus webinar