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Full Version: US military making plans in case Pelosi travels to Taiwan
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US officials say they have little fear that China would attack Nancy Pelosi's plane if she flies to Taiwan. But the US House speaker would be entering one of the world's hottest spots where a mishap, misstep or misunderstanding could endanger her safety. 

So the Pentagon is developing plans for any contingency.

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If US really die2 must provoke, then, China will have to complete what was not done in Jul 2016 after PCA tribunal case.  

In 2016, China was ready to take on US but US ran away from SCS.   

Remember that incident where China sent a crazy pilot and forced a US spy plane to land in Hainan during Bush administration? Cannot rule out something will happen to Pelosi..... Rolleyes
Best arrest her and send her to Xinjiang do hard labor.