SG Talk

Full Version: Singapore’s GIC braces itself for inflation and warns of hard year ahead
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Singapore state fund GIC is directing money towards real estate and other inflation-protecting assets as it prepares for several years of disruption from rising prices.

GIC’s management said in an interview with the Financial Times that soaring inflation could reverse gains it had made in recent years and warned..

We could be staring at a prolonged period of difficulty. [Stagflation] could last as long as a decade,” said chief executive Lim Chow Kiat, referring to the painful mix of high prices and low growth.

Using our CPF savings to invest, GIC feels no pain

India Investment ROI @ 18.5% to 25%

Paying CPF @ 2.5%

Warns us of heard years ahead when they use our money?

If they cannot control inflation, then why KBKB for what?
(27-07-2022, 07:45 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]SM LJ?

Warns us of heard years ahead when they use our money?

If they cannot control inflation, then why KBKB for what?

Comparing with Norwegian SWF..

When has anyone ever heard from GIC saying about positive performance and making huge profits..?

Always very negative

Why GIC never admit borrowing money from CPF members savings?

Why GIC didn't complain about CPF Board paying so low interest rate of 2.5%?