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Full Version: What is it like to have monkeypox? Patients share their experience
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It started with a bad headache in mid-June. Bumps then began appearing on her face and chest.

“I had a big zit on my forehead and a bunch on my nose bridge as well as my cheek. Which I thought was weird because I don't usually have breakouts like this,” said the woman, who goes by the name Kyrie Fluffins on TikTok. She requested to remain anonymous for this article.

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Speaking to CNA on Wednesday (Jul 27), Kyrie, who is based in California, said she initially suspected that she had COVID-19 as some of her friends tested positive for the virus recently. But her tests came back negative.

The bumps continued to spread to other parts of her body including her back, legs and scalp. Then her eyes started to itch.

Alarmed, she went to see a doctor, who said that she might have monkeypox and told her to get tested.

“I just shut down, it was like getting delivered really bad news. It was really depressing and scary especially because they told me there's no cure,” she said. “They said since it’s a viral infection, all I can do is to let my system ride it out, do its thing and fight it off naturally.

“It was so disheartening to hear that there's no medicine that you can take to make it go away.”

While waiting for test results to confirm she had the disease, she also developed a secondary infection of cellulitis – a common bacterial skin infection that causes redness, swelling and pain – on her left elbow.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), other complications include bronchopneumonia, sepsis, pneumonia, encephalitis, confusion and infection of the cornea with ensuing loss of vision.

Kyrie is still not sure how she contracted monkeypox, though she suspects she could have caught it during a massage at a spa or by sharing food with her friends.

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just the body expelling poisons thr. the skin
why is this happening
what causes the accumulated toxins need to be expelled thr the skin the largest membrane of the body?
just like those on those on the micro level cellular level. Pathways 2 urine or pansai kidney and liver.
a check of the shape of the blood cells will be telling. are there signs damages
Just imagine those being pushed thr. your eye-balls.
or your bottom or those cleavages
Disaster as the population get poisoned and works need to be done.
We found mistakes like letter into wrong pigeon holes.
not enough hands goods to be delivered place on the void deck floor so they could make less trips.
tiring easily
Canberra parliament
senator sounds the alarm on Klaus schwab
chance of survival beri slim as a humanoid being modified and poisoned
4G destructure water
5G destructure oxygen
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-30-05-55-03.png]
Must be dame ichy also..
How come they have monkeypox vaccine so quickly?
up to no good plan long ago black heart
today i witness something.
a man at first sat beside his van at the carpark fast asleep with head dropping infront of him.
being in sgtok help me to suspect 'tireness' caused by his water destructured or his oxygen destructured now bo-cowLat or bo-yong.
when i returned he slept flat.

not supposed to hapan wat the fu*k sleeping like dat?