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Has Tiangong debris killed anyone yet !!!!!!???!!!!??? Angry Threatening
Kokee Cok's head probably hit many times by  debris of Assmerica's rockets until cannot think properly liao!  Rotfl
Aiya, Alam Kok has no knowledge of science.

Alam Kok knows nut lah.  

US chips gone case liao.  

Alam Kok, you know nut lah.  

See bloomberg news on SMIC!!!  

[Image: Chips02.png]

[Image: Chips03.png]

[Image: Chips04.png]

[Image: Chips06-2.png]

[Image: BD970-FEE-1158-402-F-9-CD0-587-FABEDEC6-E.webp]

Tracking data projects the probable location of the debris reentry. The Aerospace Corporation
Kokee Cok, the biggest LIAR and FAKE NEWS fabricator!  Rotfl
all these moronic comie liars here, 7/24 spam same shit, already answer them, they try their luck to post again to con or brainwash morons here.
They lost in discussion, run road from the other thread, stop there, then spam here hope those morons did not read the other, then kena con here!
norm, all the above comie dogs is the same!
regular forumers know well!
bloody china rocket debris still in the air, know nut dogs here keep barking!
bloody china themselves dont even know when their rubbish will hit earth! real moronic stupid!!
(30-07-2022, 05:20 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]now no one know when & where will it crash into, not even china, anyhow shit every yr!
cant even control, what a rubbish yet comie liars here bark like best in the world, not lies is what, norm to comie dogs here, almost 100% BS in all their posts & threads, yet got brainless here believe all their shit, real moron!

Massive Chinese Rocket In "Uncontrolled Descent" Expected To Crash Into Earth Within Days

as above!
(08-07-2022, 09:25 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china cant produce high end IC, whether military for weapons used, IT for hp & pc, EV car needs thousands of IC per car & all the high end electronics products, china needs to imports all these IC from US & western world.
manty IC banned to import to china, so they have to try to use 3rd party country to import which violate the rule & sanction, all the illegal & criminals way like huawei did for Iran & kena sanction.
china has no way to make even in future, without all these US IC, china has no high end products at all.

为求得“美国芯” 中共军方无孔不入

china, everyday want to steal technology only,无孔不入

dont sell IC to them, they try to con & cheat to get them like above! why cant SMIC produce for them? my foot, they dont know what to do!
bloody china hunt whole world for US IC! why? all these moronic comie dogs here! LOL LOL!
(28-07-2022, 10:55 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]中國芯片突破七奈米!小粉紅徒手刻出來,台積電都嚇壞了;明年突破一奈米,中芯前總裁遭逮捕

I dont know what Fxxking rubbish these dogs are barking 7/24 here on china & SMIC IC.

SMIC share price today keep dropping after these dogs bark about 7 nm!! why? who F care whether is fake news or not.
TSMC market capitalization is easily 1000% bigger than SMIC today, SMIC is real peanut to TSMC, totally not comparable, both technology & capitalization, understand dogs?

what rubbish china or SMIC sale up, simple! almost all sell or export to russia, got their money back? any profit?
TSMC profit margin is 60%, SMIC can get 6%?
all these china peanut in IC industry, F off!!
china IC industry cant even compared to 3rd tier of Korea & taiwan IC Fab!
(30-07-2022, 02:06 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]as above!

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog
(30-07-2022, 02:03 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Kokee Cok, the biggest LIAR and FAKE NEWS fabricator!  Rotfl

Tons of LIES and FAKE NEWS posted!  Rotfl