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Full Version: Monk Say Burn Incense Paper Can Be Useless
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Every year also say this say that. Just shut up and leave us alone to practice our cultural traditions
monk not Taoism. buddhist since when burn?
Burning joss paper is a traditional Chinese-Taoist practice that sends money and materials goods to deceased relatives in the afterlife.
Not a Buddhist tradition.
This monk must be a Christian
As long as this burning makes those living doing the the burning feeling happy and at peace with the dead, then it is not useless but useful. .... Big Grin
Buddhism doesn't advocate burning.
(30-07-2022, 05:23 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]

Makes sense from a Buddhist's point of view since burning incense paper is not a religious activity. Neither Buddhism nor Taoism has burning incense paper as part of their religious activities. It is just a custom. It started when the smaller monasteries and temples needed to raise money in ancient times. The larger ones have rice fields and shops to rent out but the smaller ones need to survive by selling all sorts of things and this is one thing that they invented to, ah, er, scam? persuade? squeeze? some money from their followers.
(30-07-2022, 05:45 PM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]This monk must be a Christian

How you know?🥺🤔🤣🤣🤣
Usually is because ppl 做虧心事啊所以7月need to burn incense paper.
Different religion, burning incensed paper is mainly from Taoism.

That time the monk from China helped my deceased father doing night chanting prayer also burned some incensed paper for his deceased father.

Buddhism started from India but glorified by Other Asia countries. Do you know why buddhism almost MIA in India?
(30-07-2022, 06:05 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Buddhism doesn't advocate burning.

Got lah, you dont know only…
(30-07-2022, 06:24 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Usually is because ppl 做虧心事啊所以7月need to burn incense paper.

Umm, that's a bad way of putting it. I usually explained it as "burning incense is for the people who burnt as the activity assuages their guilt and not for the people who have died". Could be good for their mental health.
Gautama Buddha was not a vegetarian yet now Buddhists monks are vegetarians.
Shd be Gautama Buddha told them not to eat meat and fish in his last few teachings before he uplorry.
(30-07-2022, 06:29 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Buddhism started from India but glorified by Other Asia countries. Do you know why buddhism almost MIA in India?

Because Buddhism goes against the deep-seated hierarchical system that was so prevalent in Indian society. 

Buddhism preached for a society that all were equal, but the Indian ruling elites will never forego their caste system.
(30-07-2022, 06:50 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Because Buddhism goes against the deep-seated hierarchical system that was so prevalent in Indian society. 

Buddhism preached for a society that all were equal, but the Indian ruling elites will never forego their caste system.

Alot of sayings. Yours is probably one of them. 作怪的都是阿三王?
(30-07-2022, 06:47 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Gautama Buddha was not a vegetarian yet now  Buddhists monks are vegetarians.
Shd be Gautama Buddha told them not to eat meat and fish in his last teachings before he uplorry.

He did say it and it's in the sutras. Go and read the Lankavatara sutra. I extract a small part of it here:

"The Buddha told Mahamati, “There are countless reasons why you should not eat meat. But I will summarize them for you.
Because all beings have at some time been reborn as family members, out of your feelings for them, you shouldn’t eat meat."
To be honest all those rich chinese multimillionairs dont burn joss paper one..but on otherhand i saw a lot of them burn are poor normal people...
(30-07-2022, 06:56 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]He did say it and it's in the sutras. Go and read the Lankavatara sutra. I extract a small part of it here:

"The Buddha told Mahamati, “There are countless reasons why you should not eat meat. But I will summarize them for you.
Because all beings have at some time been reborn as family members, out of your feelings for them, you shouldn’t eat meat."

How to do you explain 济公?他可是酒肉和尚?
Got someone ask 达摩, Can chanting let you attain enlightenment? If I did not remember wrongly, his reply is No. Then why monks still do chanting?
(30-07-2022, 06:50 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Because Buddhism goes against the deep-seated hierarchical system that was so prevalent in Indian society. 

Buddhism preached for a society that all were equal, but the Indian ruling elites will never forego their caste system.

I guess that's true. Same with Mohism in China. Mohism preached equality besides science, socialism, meritocracy and pacifism (not sure if this is the right term, Chinese is 非攻) etc. That equality part makes them unacceptable to the ruling elites.
(30-07-2022, 07:00 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest all those rich chinese multimillionairs dont burn joss paper one..but on otherhand i saw a lot of them burn are poor normal people...

then how come u burnt yr wallet ?
(30-07-2022, 06:15 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Makes sense from a Buddhist's point of view since burning incense paper is not a religious activity. Neither Buddhism nor Taoism has burning incense paper as part of their religious activities. It is just a custom. It started when the smaller monasteries and temples needed to raise money in ancient times. The larger ones have rice fields and shops to rent out but the smaller ones need to survive by selling all sorts of things and this is one thing that they invented to, ah, er, scam? persuade? squeeze? some money from their followers.

Thank you for sharing!
(30-07-2022, 07:04 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]How to do you explain 济公?他可是酒肉和尚?

We should never compare normal worldly beings with the enlightened ones. Buddhism calls for 'expediency', meaning the truly well-intentioned and enlightened ones can do things that endear themselves to the commoners, so that they can slowly influence them.

Just look at Vimalakīrti, who appeared during the same period as Gautama and widely recognized as the other enlightened being. This is one passage from the Vimalakīrti sutra:

"In order to be in harmony with people, he associated with elders, with those of middle age, and with the young, yet always spoke in harmony with the Dharma. He engaged in all sorts of businesses, yet had no interest in profit or possessions. To educate living beings, he would appear at crossroads and on street corners, and to protect them he participated in government. To turn people away from the individual vehicle and to engage them in the Mahāyāna, he appeared among listeners and teachers of the Dharma. To develop children, he visited all the schools. To demonstrate the evils of desire, he even entered the brothels. To establish drunkards in correct mindfulness, he entered all the drinking-houses."

The reason is simple. If he were to preach strict adherence to non-drinking (for example), he would have distanced himself from the masses and would not have achieved anything. Instead, he integrated with them so that he could have their trust and slowly move them away from vices.

For normal worldly people like us, it is not advisable to do this, because instead of us influencing the masses, it could be the other way round.
(30-07-2022, 06:32 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Got lah, you dont know only…

Kuang Chee Tng Buddhist Association (Temple) on 125 Moulmein Rd

Go and ask the experts there to confirm. 
Entirely utu.
Bad for the environment.
(30-07-2022, 07:21 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]We should never compare normal worldly beings with the enlightened ones. Buddhism calls for 'expediency', meaning the truly well-intentioned and enlightened ones can do things that endear themselves to the commoners, so that they can slowly influence them.

Just look at Vimalakīrti, who appeared during the same period as Gautama and widely recognized as the other enlightened being. This is one passage from the Vimalakīrti sutra:

"In order to be in harmony with people, he associated with elders, with those of middle age, and with the young, yet always spoke in harmony with the Dharma. He engaged in all sorts of businesses, yet had no interest in profit or possessions. To educate living beings, he would appear at crossroads and on street corners, and to protect them he participated in government. To turn people away from the individual vehicle and to engage them in the Mahāyāna, he appeared among listeners and teachers of the Dharma. To develop children, he visited all the schools. To demonstrate the evils of desire, he even entered the brothels. To establish drunkards in correct mindfulness, he entered all the drinking-houses."

The reason is simple. If he were to preach strict adherence to non-drinking (for example), he would have distanced himself from the masses and would not have achieved anything. Instead, he integrated with them so that he could have their trust and slowly move them away from vices.

For normal worldly people like us, it is not advisable to do this, because instead of us influencing the masses, it could be the other way round.

Every religion will promote its own stuffs.
But some of them copied the stuff from I Ching like 过午不食。This now become one of the Buddhist rules.

Go and read about Taoism, there are 3 main heads?
Also quite interesting…

Japanese Gods even more confusing, total more than 8million gods. Do you know why in Japan parliament, they will have a ceremony, they will bring out some godly stuffs out to show.
In my opinion. This video is basically trying to advocate people to cut down in burning joss paper or incense paper. And both interviewee had failed to study the history of their religion or teaching.

Some of the things they said were correct, such as burning paper plane or vehicles does not serve any purposed but in term of the joss paper or incense paper they have some meaning to it.

Both Buddhism and Taoism do burn some form of paper but Buddhism has lesser usage than the Taoism.
(30-07-2022, 07:38 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Every religion will promote its own stuffs.
But some of them copied the stuff from I Ching like 过午不食。This now become one of the Buddhist rules.

Go and read about Taoism, there are 3 main heads?
Also quite interesting…

Japanese Gods even more confusing, total more than 8million gods. Do you know why in Japan parliament, they will have a ceremony, they will bring out some godly stuffs out to show.

I do not think it's fair to say Buddhism copied from I Ching about 过午不食. Gautama Buddha himself ate only one meal a day and that's how this practice came about.
(30-07-2022, 06:47 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Gautama Buddha was not a vegetarian yet now  Buddhists monks are vegetarians.
Shd be Gautama Buddha told them not to eat meat and fish in his last few teachings before he uplorry.
The idea of being vegetarian was brought up to Buddha by one of his disciple and Buddha did not reject it.
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