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Full Version: Plse note this if you have Fatty Liver.
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20% with fatty liver  disease will kena liver cancer.
Most fat people fatty liver.
Out of so many with fatty liver some.will kena fatty liver disease...among these some 20% will get liver cancer.

[b]Simple fatty liver:[/b] This means you have fat in your liver, but you may not have any inflammation in your liver or damage to your liver cells. It usually doesn’t get worse or cause problems with your liver. Most people with NAFLD have simple fatty liver.

[b]Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): [/b]This is much more serious than a simple fatty liver. NASH means you have inflammation in your liver. The inflammation and liver cell damage that happen with NASH can cause serious problems such as fibrosis and cirrhosis, which are types of liver scarring, and liver cancer. About 20% of people with NAFLD have NASH.