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Full Version: Why Pelosi never visit China?
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No respect at all
She did last time and got arrested after she protested in Beijing Tiananmen Square. No wonder she hates China very much.

[Image: CFCE4849-B131-43-EB-921-C-278-A8-D2980-B1.jpg]
Because fly to China less weapons sale

Fly to Taiwan more weapons sale 

Her husband made tons of money and many accusations insider trading
She visited in 2009 qnd was greeted by protestors....what these protestors want from her?
(02-08-2022, 07:51 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]She visited in 2009 qnd was greeted by protestors....what these protestors want from her?
LJ lah u. This is the same video u posted in another thread saying they are protesting pelosi's current visit to Taiwan. Knn u r really a MF. No doubt about it.  Laughing
because china is run by Chao CheesePie (CCP)