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Full Version: 5 businesses were recently found to have used the upcoming GST hike as an excuse
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Trade & Industry Minister Gan Kim Yong shared in Parliament that 5 businesses were recently found to have used the upcoming GST hike as an excuse to raise their prices. 


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Only 5?
This farking useless Gov....its 100% of every business especially hawkers.
Gan said that CAP responded to the cases "swiftly", especially for the five cases, by working with partner agencies and organisations including the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS), the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) and the People's Association (PA).


These 5 must have 100% increase in their prices to be flag out so easily by a dumb and blind Minister.

The rest maybe 95% scot away free because their price increase is lesser and PAP just don't care, lah
Millions dollars salary with many workers under its wing only discovered 5......🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🤦
The five businesses that were caught are really stupid. Why would they want to use GST increase as a reason to increase their price? Like all others, they could have said that it's due to higher import material cost.
Reminds me of the time when Vivian was asked about how many poor Singaporean and he cited less than 20k? And then when people started digging... Now more than 1mil on the govt welfare...
(03-08-2022, 08:47 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Reminds me of the time when Vivian was asked about how many poor Singaporean and he cited less than 20k? And then when people started digging... Now more than 1mil on the govt welfare...

never trust 100%must discount >50%
(03-08-2022, 08:47 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Reminds me of the time when Vivian was asked about how many poor Singaporean and he cited less than 20k? And then when people started digging... Now more than 1mil on the govt welfare...

This Vivian wasted a few hundred million dollar on youth olympic, i think 400m,,may his bad karma taunt make him suffer many life time.,.

This Lily Neo call him to help old folk he talk coxk, ask how much is enough..