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Full Version: From subway stations to shopping malls, Taiwan prepares its air-raid shelters
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hope China just DO IT launch the Air strike

make the whole world RESET


on top with on going Russia war.

But I don't feel China will do it , more on TRADE war.

One thing China know if they launch the attack , USA will be laughing. IT do benefit USA.

Just like current Russia war, USA keep support arms to Ukraine is make use of Ukraine to drain Russia resources in army.

Do note NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD , USA Don't give so call " free arms " to Ukraine ok.

JUST ONE bullet you see cost how much, not to mention Missiles etc all those.
(08-08-2022, 02:15 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]hope China just DO IT launch the Air strike

make the whole world RESET


on top with on going Russia war.

Dunt think so.
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aiya 不请老巫婆来就没有这些问题咯。可能还真的会被轰炸
Money Haven is US.
Ask Alam Kok,  

Why Taiwan so scared now?   

This is now a new normal.  

Last time, US said China not allowed to change the normal. US threatened the sanction style like what is done for Russia. Why US so ballless, using Alam Kok's language?   Laughing    

But now, it is a new normal. PLA can enter into Taiwan territory, and US can't do any thing.  

Even US aircraft carrier turned back, what can it do?   

Perhaps, China can even extend the military drills to make Taiwan suffer.  

While Singapore many downtown MRT are air raid shelters too! Air defence centres are in Bt Batok , Little Gulian and Bukit Gombak....
(08-08-2022, 03:05 PM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]While Singapore many downtown MRT are air raid shelters too! Air defence centres are in Bt Batok , Little Gulian and Bukit Gombak....
You mean only MRT stns of Downtown line are bomb shelters?
Bringing snakes into your house and stay in the cage you built to prevent strangulation.
How smart are they?
Xi jinping may have iron in his soul but he also places importance on blood ties. He view taiwanese as family and as such would want to avoid any blood shed. He is to be admired for his strength of character to resist shooting down the plane with the witch just to boost his ego and put the lives of his people at risk
Good, both sides preparing. Win win Big Grin
This will be Beiping model of unification.
At the end of the day, is it worth it?? What did the peasants in Taiwan get out of this saga?

Nothing but shit..
(08-08-2022, 02:59 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Money Haven is US.

A black swan event such as a nuke going off in USA will shock the system of beliefs...
Why some said most people 马照跑舞照跳?
Anyway is silly news, why would JFJ hit the malls
unless spies told them Tw troops or Tsai team are hiding there.
aiya hiding in the shelters got fUse? their homes will be destroyed and they'll becum like homeless Ukrainians
(07-08-2022, 05:38 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]no one in taiwan give a shit to china drill, junk!
chin drill is alughing stock of the world today, bomb fish in sea, that is all, no one F care!
this drill only exposed china missile location, power, profile to data to US & taiwan, all now know how junk is china missile, that is all!

中共軍演民眾生活如常 徐旭東:台灣人很棒

8.7 【軍演淪為世界笑柄!】解放軍威脅台灣,位置偏差嚴重不準確,動用導彈炸魚成為世界嘲笑對象!

as above, taiwan people live as per normal, go to work, stock market continue to up.
this thread starter is stir shit king of this forum, spread rumor 7/24 here!
TSMC work as per normal at full speed nothing affected the whole taiwan as the drill is fully BS & lasted 3 hrs only, no sound, no sight who F care, all these comie liar, norm!


No worries, they will not attack
Heard one of the deep green camp figures was scared to death and wrote a long article on PLA invasion
Young people in Taiwan are mostly anti-China but when you ask them to join the army to fight for Taiwan, all chicken out saying not interested, then who will defend Taiwan? The U.S. and Japan? Fat wish lah. Laughing
They are stupid.

There's so much to benefit from if they just merge with China.