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Full Version: Taiwan UMC Chairman Robert Tsao (SG Citizen) Wears Bullet Proof Vest during Interview
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So scared for what? He is scared of Chinese assassination after donating $138 million to DPP for improving Taiwan Defence
Its a terrible life.
Fear everywhere he goes.
shd aso wear bullet proof helmet
Taiwan has become so unsafe huh
I think he better bomb proof his surroundings..... Rolleyes
Can the wealthy PRC who converted to be sinkie donate to CCP military to takeover Taiwan?
Real taiwan supportwr
Abandon Singapore Citizenship liao.
(26-08-2022, 10:56 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Abandon Singapore Citizenship liao.

Are you sure he is not getting the best from both Taiwan and SG?
He said he had cut off links with Hong Kong, Macao and China. Don't know true a not.
(09-08-2022, 03:08 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]So scared for what? He is scared of Chinese assassination after donating $138 million to DPP for improving Taiwan Defence

Editor in Chief, ITworld, IDG News Service | DEC 30, 2005 9:30 AM PST
(26-08-2022, 01:57 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these comie dogs here, cry father mother, blame & complain 7/24 here, norm!
these dogs curse & swear like they lies & BS here everyday in almost all their posts & threads, real moronic!
so UMC founder now apply as a citizen of taiwan, he found his root in this country, he will live & die with this country, hope to see ccp collapse before he dies! hahaaa!
all these comie dogs root in china, not in spore but refuse to F back to china, china sibei rubbish & useless! dogs also refuse to live there! only good for slavery dogs? LOL LOL!

看到中共垮台會"笑死"! 曹興誠身穿防彈衣曝申請回歸"中華民國國籍" 放話絕不看台灣變成下一個香港!

all the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!
Abandon UMC and on the way to abandon Singapore Citizenship.
These are the troublemaker Chinese u will see anywhere. A pest.. if not for the money.
The direction of the wind around him.
Y angry? Can throw same amount to PLA, what, no?
Here explained Y he wore the bullet proof vest..
(26-08-2022, 05:28 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!

Before he ditches Sinkie land citizenship, can tax him hard hard?? Give money to Sinkie, rather than wasting them in Taiwan..
dry old hag really in love with everything about TW Rotfl
This guy in his younger days was helping China to set up the semiconductor industries, which somewhat pisses off the Chen ShuiBian administration back then. And choose to give up Taiwan citizenship, while his children remain Taiwanese.

Since his announcement of donating US$100 millions for the Taiwan defence, many Taiwanese questioned his contradicting intentions. Some felt that he has brought unnecessary tensions for both Taiwan and China. After all he did “betrayed” Taiwan by bringing the know-how to mainland China back then.

Morris Chang, original name Zhang Zhongmou, Wade-Giles romanization Chang Chung-mou, (born July 10, 1931, Ningbo, Zhejiang province, China), Chinese-born engineer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who founded (1987) Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a leading maker of computer chips.

Robert Tsao was born in China in 1947, but his parents moved to Taiwan in 1948 and he grew up and built his career there. Mr. Tsao earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU) and a Master’s degree in Management Science from National Chiao Tung University in 1972.
Taiwan analysts are condemning Robert Tsao yesterday press conference in setting up 3 million civilian warrior with each costing NT200 (S$10) for 3 years was an insult.

And many analysts said that he is a controversial person who simply like the limelight and will switch camps for his own benefits.

More reports about how he has betrayed TSMC Morris Chang many years ago when he set up his manufacturing facility in China shows that he is a shrewd business man. Rather than a patriot to Republic of China.
(26-08-2022, 05:15 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]HE IS WAS A SPORE CITIZEN

(27-08-2022, 05:00 AM)kangtangman Wrote: [ -> ]This guy in his younger days was helping China to set up the semiconductor industries, which somewhat pisses off the Chen ShuiBian administration back then.  And choose to give up Taiwan citizenship, while his children remain Taiwanese. Since his announcement of donating US$100 millions for the Taiwan defence, many Taiwanese questioned his contradicting intentions. Some felt that he has brought unnecessary tensions for both Taiwan and China. After all he did “betrayed” Taiwan by bringing the know-how to mainland China back then.

Since when does MIC and private $ invest to setup business and factories in the Mainland is for "helping China"  leh ? Rolleyes
(02-09-2022, 10:45 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]新加坡台商富豪曹兴诚刚刚宣布再出10亿新台币要练出330万反共神射手,惊呆全世界;但或就因为此,丢失了新加坡国籍

This may explain why SG gov and our MSM remains diam diam even after what this guy publicly admit while holding the Pink IC.
(26-08-2022, 05:15 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]HE IS A SPORE CITIZEN

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