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Full Version: TSMC to slow production as Intel delays chip launch
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Intel stock drops like nobody business.
AMD market cap is higher than Intel now!
Nvidia is so far ahead!
all these know nut comie dogs here about IC, just bark nonsense 7/24 here! all these moronic  comie dogs post blindly & mostly use communist sources of fake & lies!
Intel dont want TSMC, ton queue up their to take those capacity like AMD, then AMD will pull even more ahead pf Intel!
no need 3 or 4nm, TSMC 5 nm already can beat Intel flat!!

AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU w/ 5nm TSMC is full speed producing, Intel's scared.

(10-08-2022, 08:29 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]AMD market cap is higher than Intel now!
Nvidia is so far ahead!
all these know nut comie dogs here about IC, just bark nonsense 7/24 here! all these moronic  comie dogs post blindly & mostly use communist sources of fake & lies!
Intel dont want TSMC, ton queue up their to take those capacity like AMD, then AMD will pull even more ahead pf Intel!
no need 3 or 4nm, TSMC 5 nm already can beat Intel flat!!

AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU w/ 5nm TSMC is full speed producing, Intel's scared.

[Image: DE2282-CA-8836-4-C41-BCA0-1-D74165-BB63-E.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one
Intel delayed due to approval of the 52 billion Funding ACT for chip manufacturing.  Now that Biden just approved the funding yesterday,  there should b no delay problem.   Buy semiconductor?
(10-08-2022, 10:22 AM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]Intel delayed due to approval of the 52 billion Funding ACT for chip manufacturing.  Now that Biden just approved the funding yesterday,  there should b no delay problem.   Buy semiconductor?

USA so capable meh?
Somemore where did they rob the $$$ from?
TMSC smart should run road liao. Rotfl
(10-08-2022, 10:26 AM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]USA so capable meh?
Somemore where did they rob the $$$ from?
TMSC smart should run road liao. Rotfl
this is free money?   If no,  there should b no problem finding money and lending them out.
(10-08-2022, 10:47 AM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]this is free money?   If no,  there should b no problem finding money and lending them out.

Ya USA very good at robbing from others. Rotfl
(10-08-2022, 10:51 AM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]Ya USA very good at robbing from others. Rotfl
Y. China can provide fund to boost semiconductor and the US cannot?  They are just learning from China mah. Rotfl Rotfl
(10-08-2022, 11:04 AM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]Y. China can provide fund to boost semiconductor and the US cannot? Rotfl Rotfl

In China corruptions is death. USA corruptions is ok.
So what talk u? Rotfl