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Full Version: Moh scam calls...Screw them
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Once pick up and Moh ..just press 1 or 2....when the irritant answers just fk him/her and hang up.

House phone no caller ID, so won't know who's the other party.
Under Shoot Blank Queen tenure

so many MOM scams call

until police told us to make police report!
I just received 2 calls. 1 MOH and 1 ICA.
CCB everyday get their calls all using different numbers.
(10-08-2022, 03:56 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]I just received 2 calls. 1 MOH and 1 ICA.
CCB everyday get their calls all using different numbers.

Just answer and fk them vulgarly. 
These unscrupulous bastards deserve fully to be screwed.
The scammers are very stupid. Yesterday is National Day, holiday, yet MOH scammers can still call me yesterday
(10-08-2022, 04:50 PM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]The scammers are very stupid. Yesterday is National Day, holiday,  yet MOH scammers can still call me yesterday

Their system could be programmed.
It keeps dialling until some innocent people get trapped.
Watch this video, these scammers may be forced to scam people
Some of the scammers are kidnapped on the road, or cheated by high salary job in cambodia
Once they are in the office building, they are guarded from leaving, or even beaten up by people if they fail to scam people

The 'boss' of scammers is the culprit
Another group of scammers are from Anxi, China
Highly organized scamming group. Retribution will come to them, sooner and later