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Full Version: Australia's Morrison says he took five ministries because he was 'steering the ship'
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17 Aug 2022 01:25PM
(Updated: 17 Aug 2022 01:27PM)

SYDNEY: Australia's former prime minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday (Aug 17) he decided to be secretly sworn in to five key ministries during the pandemic because he felt the responsibility for the nation was his alone.
No wonder the ship went wrong direction.
He should say he stirs a submarine which later sink to the bottom. His minister also don't know.
Did I often mentioned some "democracies" are sick jokes ? Rolleyes

I will be very curious how low can Australian politics go in the future...
woa like same geyland 24
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220817 -1【莫里森一人兼任5部长,澳大利亚真民主啊】【澳新政府清算前任,莫里森赔礼道歉】【寒梅视角】