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Full Version: 蔡英文走路好像带着一群小跟班的黑道首领
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Every time English Tsai appears on TV, she is like a gang leader leading a group of gangsters gg for gang fight.   

[Image: Tsai03.png]

[Image: Tsai01.png]

[Image: Tsai02.png]
Do you see other national leaders behave like that?  

Tsai's all the time. without fail, always Tsai spearheading a bog group walking like that.  

Do you notice?  

This one wearing black, even more like it!!!   

[Image: Tsai04.jpg]


(22-08-2022, 07:44 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]This one wearing black, even more like it!!!   

[Image: Tsai04.jpg]


Why is it that every time Tsai in Video must walk with a big group following like 黑道老大.   

I don't see such pattern in Biden or any leader of the world. Why?   

(22-08-2022, 07:44 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]This one wearing black, even more like it!!!   

[Image: Tsai04.jpg]

