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Full Version: China's Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest ever created. Was it worth it?
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Published 1st August 2020

With the climate crisis expected to bring about heavier, more frequent flooding, some experts say China will be forced to find new solutions for future generations.
CNN ah?

Assmerica created how many dams?

Worth or not?  Rotfl
After 7 years of rumour, the dam still around.
Thank for the rumour creator, make China govt works even harder…
just look at the down stream of 3 gorges dam, all the super highly populated area of china.
From hubei to hunan to anhui to jiangsu to zhejiang then shanghai!
best location to bomb when war with china!
600 millions people will be carry away by water! LOL LOL!
How she know the flood will get worst over the years? Who knows the Yangtze Jiang might dry up one day with thee climate change? 人算不如天算....... Thinking
古代有孟姜女哭倒长城,现在有Kokee 哭倒长江三峡大坝?
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