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Full Version: China swabbing animals for covid
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Ccp also animals....
why the person holding the animals never wear gloves? Can cause contamination to the animals. what if the person hands happen to have covid19 and go touch the animals, then the swabber go swab the exterior .. bao tio lol
(24-08-2022, 07:19 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china slavery kena poke for almost 3 yrs now, sibei buay tahan liao!
truck driver drive across china, ton of them need toto poke 3-4 times a day when they cross border to another province! LOL LOL!
I read in internet, poke 2-3 times a day for ew months  now is quite normal!
poke noise or mouth everyday is really nothing for the past 1 yr!

this moron, speechless. We are going for maskless now, live with virus! 99.99% is minor case with vaccine!
globally is about the same except this moronic china, still lock down, quarantine till sibei serious! yet slavery live in fear & dare not violate such rubbish!

「三年了!我已麻木了」中國人不忍了 北京核酸亭噴漆抗議


as above, all these moronic jokers!
spend so much time & money for rubbish!
nothing better to do than try to blame & finger point at others 7/24!
try to find fault on others day & night, same to all the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!


(24-08-2022, 10:03 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Ccp also animals....

Beware lah! Don't anyhow say hor!
(25-08-2022, 05:57 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Beware lah! Don't anyhow say hor!

Alam Kok and his clones are uncivilised animals. 



What is the problem of studying covid on animals for scientific purpose?  

If human can swab, why can't on animals?  
